A speech bubble that reads "Let's Talk Body"


锻炼 Intuitively: 听 to your body and do what makes you feel good

混搭: Integrate flexibility, cardio and strength training

Stay Active and Consistent: Aim to move intuitively 3-5 days a week for 30 minutes

锻炼 for 健康: Rather than for appearance or burning calories


Recharge Your Body: 睡眠 for optimal daily functioning, 这是你每天为你的健康所能做的最有效的事情

Restore Your 心: 睡眠有助于记忆和创造力、精神健康以及情绪和情绪调节

其他: 睡眠 is a necessity, not a luxury. Strive for 7-9 hours of consistent, quality sleep each night


吃直观: 给 yourself permission to eat any 食物 when you're hungry

Weight is not Worth: Who you are isn't dictated by your body size or shape

Eat Whole and Fun Foods: 每天吃各种各样的食物,从蔬菜到甜点

获得足够的燃料: This means 3 meals and 2-3 snacks for college students  


理解: 这些物质是如何起作用的,对你健康的影响,风险,法律后果

反映: On your reasons for using, on your options, it's your choice

计划: Practice low-risk strategies for safer use and to reduce harm

你收到了哪些与身体健康有关的信息? 听 to these new perspectives, 重塑我们对健康的看法,希望在我们的生活中培养更多的平衡.



Ted演讲: 营养:气候变化如何使我们的食物缺乏营养|克里斯蒂·埃比

播客: Leah Penniman on Farming While Black 


听神经学家温蒂·铃木谈论锻炼对大脑的好处. 考虑一下你和运动的关系,如果你以同样的方式看待运动. 

Ted演讲: EXERCISE: The brain-changing benefits of 锻炼 | Wendy Suzuki 

播客: What Makes Athletes Tick? | Meb Keflezighi





In this short talk, 阿里安娜•赫芬顿(Arianna Huffington)分享了一个可以唤醒更多人的小想法:睡个好觉的力量.

Ted演讲: SLEEP: How to succeed? Get more sleep | Arianna Huffington

播客: Don't Count Sheep: Better Bedtime Rituals


真正导致上瘾的是什么——从可卡因到智能手机? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthand, 当他看到自己所爱的人努力控制自己的毒瘾时. 

Ted演讲: 酒精 & DRUGS: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong 

播客: Inside the Current State of College Drinking Culture





你愿意做一个实验来帮助你对自己的身体和身体健康感觉更好吗? 我们想挑战你去尝试一些新的东西,希望为你的工具箱建立新的技能. 



我们想帮助你在旅途中找到快乐,无论你在哪里. 我们在学生健康中心和整个校园都有很多资源来继续这个对话——我们在这里倾听, 反映, and help you set and achieve health goals that feel intuitive, 可持续发展的, 和平衡. 

Meet with a Peer 健康 Coach

参与一场关于你的健康和与照顾你的身体有关的健康目标的谈话——在睡眠和一般健康方面, body image and 锻炼, and alcohol and other drugs! 

访问 uc1112.com/wellnesscoach 安排你的健康教练课程,并了解每种类型的预约, 或者使用下面的链接直接通过谷歌日历注册.