FACHEX是目前全日制教师的子女的本科学费减免选择, 管理员, and staff at participating Jesuit Colleges and Universities.


太阳城网赌平台, 我们通常每年为少数新的FACHEX奖项确定100多名符合FACHEX资格的申请人, 在当年的招生池中,哪些是提供给最具学术竞争力的申请人的. 

具体步骤如下. 请记住,太阳城网赌平台只考虑新的FACHEX奖项的一年级申请者. Transfer students and upperclassmen are not eligible. 相反,他们应该联系 太阳城网赌平台学生服务办公室 申请经济援助.






Can my child apply to use a FACHEX award for graduate school?

No, FACHEX is only available for four (4) years of traditional full-time undergraduate study.


Yes. 本科招生办公室举办学生导游和综合信息会议.  Please refer to their website for the schedule, or to request admission materials.

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-17
Can my child use their FACHEX award for study abroad?

FACHEX recipients who participate in a 太阳城网赌平台海外留学项目 during the fall or spring semester will continue to receive the FACHEX benefit during the academic year. Summer study abroad programs are never covered by a FACHEX award.

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-13
Can you advise me on what academic program my child should study?

The FACHEX Coordinator at 太阳城网赌平台 does not provide generalized academic counseling.  我们建议你去太阳城网赌平台看看's website to review our undergraduate academic offerings.  也可以通过大学理事会等外部公司获得大学简介和专业选择信息,或者你可以咨询你孩子高中的指导顾问.

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-18
Does 太阳城网赌平台 participate in Tuition Exchange?

No. 尽管FACHEX计划在所有AJCU参与机构中使用学费交换数据库进行FACHEX认证, 太阳城网赌平台 does not participate in the Tuition Exchange program.  我们只提供FACHEX.

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-16
How do I ensure that my child is eligible for FACHEX consideration?

If your employer is one of the schools participating in FACHEX, 您必须联系您所在机构的FACHEX协调员,按照他们的流程进行认证.  Once your employer verifies your eligibility, 他们将在学费交换数据库中证明您的孩子符合FACHEX的考虑条件.  You must be certified no later than December 1st.  Only your employer can perform this certification.  Failure to have your child certified in this database will result in a failure of your child to be considered for FACHEX at any school.  There are NO exceptions. 

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-01
How does my child apply for FACHEX consideration at 太阳城网赌平台?

学生 should apply by the Priority Scholarship Deadline of November 1st, 一定要列出他们的父母&在共同申请的“父雇主”栏中,作为参与的耶稣会大学的雇主.  FACHEX申请人可以选择在早期决定I下对其申请进行审查, 提前决定II, 或常规决策考虑, 只要他们在优先奖学金截止日期11月1日之前提交了所有的太阳城网赌平台材料.  家长也必须联系他们所在机构的FACHEX协调员,并跟随他们的雇主's procedures to have their child certified in the Tuition Exchange database, 有资格参加FACHEX计划. Failure to follow the Priority Scholarship Deadline, or to have your child certified as FACHEX eligible in the Tuition Exchange database, will result in failure to be considered for a FACHEX award.  这一政策没有例外,只有家庭机构可以证明他们的员工's children as FACHEX eligible in the Tuition Exchange database.  BC can not circumvent that requirement for any parent. 

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-02

No, 太阳城网赌平台的FACHEX只包括传统的秋季和春季学期的四(4)年全日制本科学习.  你必须为任何暑期课程或暑期留学经历寻找其他资金来源.

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-14
如果我的孩子获得了FACHEX奖, 但是需要请假, is it possible for them to receive their FACHEX award upon their return?

It may not be possible because a FACHEX award at 太阳城网赌平台, 如果提供, 只包括四(4)年全日制本科学习,在传统的秋季和春季学期.  If a recipient decides to interrupt their studies at BC, 他们应在最后一个资助学期结束前通知太阳城网赌平台的FACHEX协调员.  在FACHEX下的恢复将取决于恢复时FACHEX开口的可用性,不能保证.

如果我的孩子获得了FACHEX奖, do I have to reapply each year?

Ordinarily, you will not need to reapply.  在太阳城网赌平台, 如果您的孩子在这里获得FACHEX奖励, 如果您的孩子继续在太阳城网赌平台全日制学习,并且您在您的家庭机构保持就业/FACHEX资格,则该计划将每年自动续签.  家长是否应终止其受雇及/或其后未能在其所属院校维持“综合就业补助计划”的资格, the student’s FACHEX award will be terminated by the receiving institution.  太阳城网赌平台每年使用学费交换数据库检查FACHEX资格状态, 并且只有您的家庭雇用机构可以重新认证您的孩子符合FACHEX资格,因为FACHEX与您的员工福利挂钩.  您的孩子是否会因为无法维持FACHEX资格而失去FACHEX资助, your family would be encouraged 申请经济援助.  有关申请太阳城网赌平台经济援助的完整信息可以在我们的学生服务办公室网站上找到.

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-05

No, 太阳城网赌平台 does not offer interviews for 太阳城网赌平台 or programs like FACHEX.  为了所有候选人的公平, only information collected for the admission application is reviewed.  没有个人面试, 会议, 或FACHEX在申请要求之外的兴趣表达将被考虑.

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-08

No, there is no waitlist.

May my child apply for FACHEX consideration as an upperclassman or transfer student?

No. 太阳城网赌平台 only reviews incoming first-year students for FACHEX. 未获得该福利的一年级新生将不会在太阳城网赌平台获得该福利.

My child is applying to 太阳城网赌平台 through Early Decision. If they are admitted, but not awarded FACHEX, may they withdraw?

No, they may not withdraw.  提前决定I和提前决定II都是太阳城网赌平台时参加太阳城网赌平台的约束性承诺.  If your child applies through either EDI or EDII and is admitted, 他们承诺参加太阳城网赌平台,并且FACHEX奖励是独立的,与录取决定分开.  We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with EDI, EDII, 和RD,然后再决定其中一个选择.  作为充分考虑FACHEX的条件, an applicant must apply for admission by November 1st, 但他们可以通过电子数据交换申请, EDII, 或路.

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-07

Yes.  FACHEX awards at 太阳城网赌平台 are extremely competitive and limited in number.  出于这个原因, 强烈建议所有FACHEX申请人也申请经济援助,因为如果FACHEX奖学金不延长,经济援助可能会使他们有可能进入太阳城网赌平台.  You can review the 学生服务办公室 website for more information about how 申请经济援助.

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-19
What are my child’s chances of receiving a FACHEX award from 太阳城网赌平台?

The selection process is highly selective.  We receive 100 or more applications each year for a handful of new FACHEX awards.  由于FACHEX是颁发给当年最具学术竞争力的学生&在应用程序池中,它在可用性和选择性方面都具有很强的竞争力.  也不保证任何教职员工的子女能够在他们选择的学校使用FACHEX福利.


Your child should contact the Office of Undergraduate 太阳城网赌平台 at 617-552-3100 prior to admission deadlines.  They are the only office at 太阳城网赌平台 that can adjust an applicant&我的录取文件.


It is the responsibility of the parent/student to research the admissions and FACHEX policies of the Jesuit college/universities they are applying to and follow those deadlines/procedures.  没有例外.  If you have questions, you can always contact the appropriate FACHEX coordinator.

公元前:办公室/太阳城网赌平台/ fachex / search-tags / incoming-06
When will my child be notified of their FACHEX decision?

All FACHEX eligible students applying to BC will be notified of their FACHEX decision by April 1st.  最初的FACHEX通知将与录取或经济援助决定信分开发送.
