
COVID-19病例继续攀升. 图片来源:iStock.

随着COVID-19病例继续攀升 太阳城网赌平台社会工作学院 is making contingency plans to respond to disruptions caused by the global p和emic. 

在这里你可以收到及时的太阳城官网, 读着发给太阳城网赌平台社区的通知, 并探索资源以保持信息灵通. We will continue to update this page with critical information as it becomes available. 


太阳城网赌平台 密切监测COVID-19疫情 和 is in constant contact with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. 这所大学建立了一个网站 致力于抗击冠状病毒 并经常为学生、教师和工作人员发布太阳城官网.

截至5月6日星期三,一名学生被录取 隔离 在太阳城网赌平台.

公元前创建 一种新的资源汇编 论教与学, 远程工作, 健康, 管理压力, 以及与当前COVID-19危机相关的其他信息和工具.

截至3月26日, a total of 34 undergraduate 和 graduate students who are living off campus have informed 太阳城网赌平台 that they have tested positive for COVID-19. 大多数是在海外留学后直接回国的学生. The remainder are students currently living off campus, or who lived on campus this semester.

BC students should contact University Health Services to report positive test results. 员工应该联系人力资源部.

太阳城网赌平台校长威廉. 莱希 星期三宣布的, March 11 that he had 决定 to cancel all on-campus classes f或者是 rest of the semester, 封闭的宿舍, 并暂停所有校内学术活动. 太阳城网赌平台从3月19日星期四开始实行在线教学.

As 太阳城网赌平台 moves to online instruction f或者是 remainder of the semester, 大学图书馆为学生提供支持, 教师, 并以许多不同的方式工作. 最新的信息,包括时间和服务,可以 发现 在图书馆的网站上. 

社会工作图书馆于3月18日星期三对公众关闭. 奥尼尔图书馆将继续开放,并保持有限的时间. 请检查 图书馆 太阳城官网办公时间及服务. 虽然实体图书馆将不向公众开放, staff in the Social Work 图书馆 will be available to serve the community via email, 虚拟的平台, 周一到周五早上9点打电话.m. 到5点.m.

截至周一, 3月16日, the Social Work 图书馆 had 10 MacBooks 和 five Dell laptops available to borrow. The 图书馆 will extend the loan period to May 18 for graduating students 和 Sept. 1 .适用于所有其他学生、教职员工.

The 14th annual Pinderhughes Diversity Lecture scheduled for Friday, 4月2日4 has been cancelled.

疾病控制和预防中心 设计一个网站 向公众通报COVID-19. 获取有关新型冠状病毒的常见问题的答案, 接收关于迅速演变的全球卫生危机的每日最新信息, 看看你能做些什么来预防疾病.


社会工作学院把所有的暑期课程都搬到了网上. Registration for summer courses is now closed 和 Student Services will process the 80 waitlist requests during the week of 4月2日0.

秋季课程的注册将于下午7点开始.m. on Monday, 4月2日7 f或者是 Class of 2021; Registration will begin at 7:30 p.m. 所有其他在读学生. 

The last day to withdraw from a course this semester has been extended to noon on Thursday, 4月30日.

To withdraw from a course this semester, students must sign into their BC email accounts 和 then 完成退学表. 学生 who are overseas 和 are unable to access this form should complete the 太阳城官网生 退票及提款表格 发现 on the website f或者是 Office of Student Services 和 then email it to Teresa Schirmer at 特蕾莎修女

学生 will be able to designate courses taken this semester as pass/fail any time between Thursday, 四月九日及星期四中午, 4月30日. 学生, 谁可以在集市门户上指定课程为及格/不及格, should check with their employers to ensure that they can be reimbursed for courses taken on a pass/fail basis.

学生 who have questions about withdrawing from a class or designating a class as pass/fail should email Teresa Schirmer at 特蕾莎修女 或者Liz Cinquino 玛丽

Click the "领域的教育" tab in Canvas to access a continuously updated list of resources designed to help you care for yourself during the coronavirus outbreak. 其中一个资源, “幸福实验室” 播客, recently released seven special episodes dedicated to well-being in the midst of the outbreak. 

社会工作职业博客整理了一份清单 50个资源 to help social workers 和 mental 健康 professionals better manage life 和 work during the coronavirus p和emic. 

全国社会工作者协会 创建了一个文章、资源和免费网络研讨会的纲要 to support social workers as they provide care to their clients during the coronavirus crisis. 

伍兹高等教育学院有 创建了一个全面的指南 帮助学生顺利完成在线课程. 

The 太阳城网赌平台 Division of Student Affairs has compiled dozens of tips 和 resources for 向在线学习过渡 和 保持身心健康 大流行期间. 

由于冠状病毒, 离职面谈 对于已经贷款支付学费的学生,将在网上举行. 学生 will not receive their transcripts 和 diplomas until they complete the online exit interview.

苏珊·科尔曼,实地教育副院长, 通知学生 他们必须在3月20日星期五之前从野外返回. 以帮助学生满足实地教育的要求, the School of Social work has provided a set of alternative activities that students can complete off site. A rundown of these alternative assignments has been posted on the 领域的教育 site on Canvas. No student will be at risk of not earning a degree because field placements have been 暂停.

学生可以 预约虚拟约会 接受职业咨询. Cindy Snell, the director of career services, will review resumes 和 cover letters emailed to 

博士生可以 预约虚拟约会 报名参加夏季和秋季课程. Debbie Hogan, the assistant director of the doctoral program, will run the meetings via 变焦.

Doctoral students who need IRB approval for a research project should seek guidance from Megan Zugibe 和 Erin Sibley.  

The Centre Street Food Pantry, which is open on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m., provides pre-packaged bags of groceries to 太阳城网赌平台 students who live in Brighton, 牛顿, 以及校园周围的其他社区. 学生必须提供地址证明,并填写 食物储藏室转介表格,由特蕾莎·席默(Teresa Schirmer)签署,可通过特蕾莎·席默(Teresa)与她联系


美国国立卫生太阳城官网院也有 决定 允许截止日期在3月9日之间的拨款申请, 2020年和5月1日, 2020年截止到5月1日, 2020. Institutions need not ask for permission nor write cover letters to submit proposals late as long as they are submitted by the May 1 deadline.

管理和预算办公室 允许联邦机构, 包括国家科学基金会, 美国国立卫生太阳城官网院, 以及能源部, to 继续颁发奖项 支持应对COVID-19的项目. Federal agencies also have the flexibility to issue other exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

卓越教学中心 创建了一个全面的指南 帮助教师准备在线授课. 中心也会 主持虚拟研讨会 教教员如何使用变焦, Canvas, 和Panopto提供课程计划, 参与的学生, 评估在线学习.

这里有 一步一步的指示 让帕诺托在家里录讲座. 请直接向 或者是 它的服务台.

The School of Social Work at Columbia University is hosting a a webinar series to support 教师 who need help teaching online. 工作坊录音, 星期一开始, 3月23日至周四, 4月2日, 会张贴在csw上吗 YouTube频道. 参加研讨会的链接将通过电子邮件发送给那些 发请帖.

In light of the global spread of COVID-19, The Chronicle of Higher Education 提供分步指导 对于需要快速将课程转移到网上的教师.


3月17日星期二,BCSSW员工开始远程工作. They must connect to the virtual private network, or VPN, to complete all remote work. 麦吉恩认为大厅 closed on Tuesday, March 24 to comply with the order issued by Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker to close all non-essential businessines in the state until May 4.


Employees are no longer authorized to travel domestically or internationally to conduct university business, 除非总统办公室特别批准, 执行副总裁, 或者教务长和院长.

由于Gov. 贝克下令在3月24日至5月4日期间关闭所有非必要业务, 所有非必要的校园服务将停止 暂停 只要有可能,工作将继续远程进行.

它的 创建的技巧 对于在家工作的教职员工. 技术顾问 是否也可以通过电子邮件协助教职员工, 电话, 变焦, 谷歌视频群聊, 以及更多的在线平台.