



Will my AP classes count?&,

Students with qualifying scores on AP, IB, or other accepted exams will be granted advanced placement. In most cases, you will not earn actual credit—rather, these exams will fulfill corresponding requirements in the University Core Curriculum or your major or 小. Consult the list of accepted exams and scores.

list of accepted exams and scores

What is Advanced Standing, and how do I apply for it?

Beginning with the Class of 2024, students who earned a total of 30 Advanced Placement units may be eligible for Advanced Standing and have the option to complete their undergraduate studies in three years. Students interested in this option should make an appointment with their Associate Dean after completing their first semester; no decisions on Advanced Standing will be made prior to that time. A decision to activate Advanced Standing should be made no later than the spring of Sophomore year.&,

Students seeking Advanced Standing should be prepared to show their Associate Dean a detailed plan to complete all degree requirements by the proposed graduation date. Approval for Advanced Standing by their Associate Dean must be granted before the start of their third year of undergraduate study.

公元前:学校/ mca /建议/常见问题/美联社

What is a pre-major advisor?

All first-year students are assigned a pre-major advisor and will remain with their pre-major advisor throughout their freshman year regardless of major declaration. 在秋季学期参加勇气去知道和新生主题研讨会的学生将有他们的课程导师作为他们的专业前顾问.

There are some Perspectives and First-Year Writing Seminar courses that are designated as advising sections. 学生只能参加一个建议部分. 没有参加咨询课程的学生将由学术咨询中心分配一名专业前顾问.

What is a major advisor?&,

All sophomores, 选好专业后, 会从他们的专业部门分配一名指导老师吗. 指导老师是根据你的主要专业来分配的. 有第二专业或辅修专业的学生应该访问该部门或联系本科学习主任以获得建议. 有跨学科辅修课程的学生应联系辅修主任.

How do I find out who my advisor is?

Log into the 集市门户. 在账户和个人信息下,点击学术顾问找到你当前导师的名字. 新生和未申报的大二学生如有疑问,请联系学术咨询中心. 其他学生请与所属院系联系.

公元前:学校/ mca /建议/常见问题/学术导师

After being in residence for at least three semesters and no later than the end of the drop/add period in the seventh semester, 全日制本科生可向其副院长申请将学位课程加快一个学期. The following conditions apply:

  • Summer courses intended for acceleration must be taken at 太阳城网赌平台.

  • Any credits over 15 in a semester used for acceleration are charged the per credit rate for the semester they are taken. 助学金不包括这些额外费用.

  • Students transferring into 太阳城网赌平台 with first-semester sophomore status or above are not eligible to accelerate their program of study.

  • Students who have elected to take Advanced Standing are not eligible to accelerate their graduation further.


How do I add a course?

You may add classes from the time you register until the published add/drop deadline each semester. You may add and drop classes on your own; you don't need approval to add an open, unrestricted course.

If you have received approval from an instructor or department to be added to a restricted or closed course, submit an Approval/Override form.

Approval-Override form

What is the max number of classes I can take each semester?&,

First-year students are not permitted to overload during their first semester at 太阳城网赌平台. 第二学期的新生如果想在第六门课上修满三个或更多学分,必须修满15个学分并获得3分.第一学期的平均绩点是0.

You are eligible to overload if you have earned at least a 3.总累积绩点为0或3.0 GPA in the semester immediately prior to the one for which you seek an overload. If you are eligible, you may register online for the sixth course of three or more credits and a maximum of 24 credits, including labs and other one- and two-credit courses. You can add a sixth course only during the add/drop period each semester (from the first day of classes until the published add/drop deadline each semester).

Students with an overall cumulative GPA between 2.0和3.在特殊情况下,他们的班级主任可以允许他们报读第六门课程. Students should visit the 纤颤 Associate Deans’ office in Stokes S132 to complete and submit a Course Overload Approval Form for review by their class dean.

Can I take a course at the Woods College of Advancing Studies or a hybrid course?&,

First-year students can't enroll in WCAS courses.

For sophomores, juniors, and seniors:

  • You are limited to one WCAS course each semester.
  • You can begin registering for WCAS courses on the first day of the semester through the end of the add/drop period.
  • WCAS courses can be used to fulfill elective requirements.
  • WCAS courses can't fulfill Core, major, or 小 requirements. Students who wish to use a WCAS for Core, major, or 小 credit must present a Course Substitution and Waiver Form with the appropriate approval.
  • You can enroll in hybrid courses with the permission of your class dean (but you can't enroll in Saturday classes).

Auditing a Course

本科 students may not audit a course in any semester of study.&,

公元前:学校/ mca /建议/常见问题/ adding-dropping

How do I get a course from another institution approved?

Complete a Course Pre-Approval Form. You must choose courses from an accredited college or university. (We do not accept community college courses.)&,&,

In order to request that a course be evaluated to count for major or Core credit, you will need to attach a course description or syllabus with your completed form. Once you submit the form online, the relevant department will review your request before the form is sent to your Associate Dean for approval.&,&,

Courses taken at outside institutions will be counted for credit only if you are making up a credit deficiency. You can't make up more than 24 credits at outside institutions.&,

Course Pre-Approval Form

公元前:学校/ mca /建议/常见问题/其他机构

How do I declare my major or 小?

First-year students can email aac@uc1112.com to declare a major or 小 during their freshman year—with the exception of majors and 小s that require an application.&,

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors should visit individual departments to declare a major or 小.

For majors and 小s that require applications, visit individual department websites for more information.

For information about 小s in the Carroll School of Management Minors, visit the CSOM website. For information about 小s in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, visit the LSEHD website.



公元前:学校/ mca /建议/常见问题/ declaring-major

How do I drop or withdraw from a course?

Students can drop a course from the time they register until the published extended drop deadline each semester. After the extended drop period, undergraduates may withdraw from a course by the published deadline each semester. See the 校历 for extended drop and course withdrawal deadlines.

Students should complete a Course Withdrawal Form to be reviewed and approved by their Associate Dean. Students will not be permitted to drop or withdraw from courses after the published deadline. Students who are still registered at this point will receive a final grade for the semester.

Prior to withdrawing from a course, students are advised to consult with their Financial Aid advisor to discuss how a withdrawal might impact their financial aid package.

extended drop form

course withdrawal form

What's the difference between course drop and course withdrawal?

A course drop permanently removes a registered course from your student record. A course withdrawal eliminates the option to receive credit or final grade for a registered course. The grading mode is listed as “W,” indicating that you were registered for the course and withdrew after the add/drop deadline.

公元前:学校/ mca /建议/常见问题/ adding-dropping

How do I receive an excused absence in extraordinary circumstances?&,

You must acquire a Dean’s note, 这是一封请求老师原谅你缺席的信吗, 从我们的办公室. 你必须能够核实导致这种借口的情况.&,&,

Generally accepted reasons for excused absence include:

  • Death of an immediate family member
  • Hospitalization
  • Medical issue treated by a recognized medical service provider lasting longer than one week
  • Mandated court appearance

The Dean’s office will not intervene to excuse absences for the following reasons:

  • Minor illness or injury lasting less than one week
  • Job Interviews or Career Fairs
  • Extracurricular activities including club sports
  • Travel/vacation/family events&,
公元前:学校/ mca /建议/常见问题/缓考

What languages are offered to fulfill the language proficiency requirement?

太阳城网赌平台 has course offerings for Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, French, German, Greek (Classical or Modern), Hebrew, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

How do I satisfy the language requirement?

You can satisfy the language requirement in three ways.

Course work: Successful completion of the second semester of an intermediate-level modern or classical language course or the successful completion of one modern or classical language course beyond the intermediate level

Testing: The achievement of a qualifying score on one of a number of exams, including Advanced Placement, SAT II Subject Tests, and International Baccalaureate exams. Consult the full list of qualifying exams and scores.

Native Proficiency: Students seeking to satisfy the language requirement by documentation of native proficiency should do so before the end of their first year of study. Postponement can result in a delayed graduation. Documentation of native proficiency ordinarily assumes evidence of post-elementary school education in the native language. 联系 your academic dean’s office for more information.

qualifying exams and scores

How do I know what level of a language is appropriate for me?

Placement tests are conducted, in the appropriate foreign language departments, for a number of foreign languages, including, Arabic, Bulgarian, Mandarin Chinese, French, Greek (Classical or Modern), Irish, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Persian (Farsi), Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. For specific information consult the Academic Planning Workbook or contact the appropriate departments of foreign languages.

Academic Planning workbook


How does a leave of absence affect my standing?

Students on leaves of absence may not take courses to advance their status at 太阳城网赌平台 without obtaining prior approval from the appropriate academic dean’s office. Students may not participate in extracurricular activities while on a leave of absence. If you take a leave of absence, you will have your graduation term adjusted to reflect your new anticipated graduation date.

How do I return from a leave of absence?

You must submit a readmission form no less than four weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you wish to return. Personal leaves of absence will be extended for no more than one year, although you may petition for renewal.&,

If you take a medical leave of absence, you will be provided with specific conditions for readmission.&,You must submit a readmission form&,no less than four weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you wish to return. University Health Services will review relevant documentation before making a recommendation for readmission to the Associate Dean. You will be provided with all required forms at the time your leave is granted.

Leave of Absence Form

Readmission Form

公元前:学校/ mca /建议/常见问题/ leaves-absence

What is an overload?

An overload is defined as enrolling in a sixth course of three or more credits in any given semester. 学生只能在每学期的加/退期间(从上课的第一天到公布的加/退截止日期)添加第六门课程。.

Who can overload?

Freshmen are not permitted to overload during their first semester at 太阳城网赌平台. 第二学期的新生如果想在第六门课上修满三个或更多学分,必须修满15个学分并获得3分.第一学期的平均绩点是0. 他们可以在及格或不及格的基础上选修第六门课程, 在这种情况下,课程不能用于完成专业, 小, 核心需求, 或并修课程.

Students are eligible to overload if they have earned at least a 3.总累积绩点为0或3.在他们想要超载的前一学期,平均绩点为0. 如果他们符合条件, 他们可以在线注册第三门或更多学分的第六门课程,最多24个学分, 包括实验和其他一两节学分课程.&,

Students with an overall cumulative GPA between 2.0和3.在特殊情况下,他们的班级主任可以允许他们报读第六门课程. 学生应访问位于Stokes S132的纤颤副院长办公室,填写并提交一份课程超载批准表,供副院长审查.


How can I learn more information about the program?

The Pre-Health程序 is part of the 莫大学’s 学术咨询中心 located in Stokes South, Room 132. Stop by, email us, or call 617-552-4663 to schedule an appointment with an advisor.&,

Email the Pre-Health程序

learn more about the pre-health program

公元前:学校/ mca /建议/常见问题/ pre-health