一切都始于1969年的一个电话. 乔•菲茨帕特里克, 学生会主席, 对他的朋友帕特·伯恩有什么主意, 刚毕业的人. “He called me up and said he’d like to hire me as a consultant to plan an internship program where students work in the community and get academic credit for it,伯恩回忆道. “我对这个项目实际上是什么一无所知. 我们是边走边编的.”

它变成了什么, 当然, PULSE是服务学习项目吗, in which students earn academic credit for a program that combines volunteer work at Boston community service organizations with the study of the great works of theology and philosophy. “They learn from people who are engaged with deep personal commitments to human service in community service agencies, 也从哲学的角度, 对正义主题的神学反思, 不公正, 痛苦, 希望, 自由, 道德行为,伯恩说, a professor of philosophy who was PULSE’s first director and who has taught in the program since 1975. 阅读和服务工作相辅相成.”


建国50年后, PULSE是BC省最受欢迎的节目之一, 创新, 有影响力的项目. 近1.8万名学生参加了这个项目,而且这个数字每年都在增长. 如今,每学期有500多名学生成为PULSE的志愿者. “半个世纪了, PULSE program students and faculty have built a remarkable legacy while giving new life to 太阳城网赌平台’s distinctive mission,教务长大卫·奎格利说. “I’ve long been impressed by our alumni’s deep affection for the program and appreciation for the profound difference that a year (or more) in PULSE made in their lives.”

在接下来的故事中,你会遇到这样的校友, 许多人对PULSE的体验继续产生共鸣, 毕业多年. 一些人的孩子跟随他们完成了这个项目. Others continue to nurture relationships formed during their community service. 还有一些人在PULSE的工作经历改变了他们的职业规划.

“It’s a remarkable program that has had a deep and far-reaching impact on those involved with it,梅根说。. Sweeney于2014年被任命为PULSE的库尼家庭主任. “It forms students as human beings who care about social justice issues and care for individuals who suffer because of poverty, 上瘾, 和压迫.”

对于他来说,伯恩说他“对PULSE的发展感到惊讶. I pushed this small canoe out into the stream and it’s come back a great ship. It’s the unexpected result of the work of an unexpectedly large group of people. 我对此感到敬畏.”



Written in capital letters that form a familiar word, PULSE sure seems like an acronym. 我们采访了项目主管梅根·斯威尼,了解更多信息. “我们经常被问到,‘PULSE代表什么?’”斯威尼说. 来回答这个问题, 她转向瑞秋·亨尼西-克罗威尔, PULSE的校友和前副主任. “PULSE stands for many things, but the word is not an acronym,” Hennessey-Crowell said. 对他来说, 帕特伯恩, 该项目的第一任主任, said the name was chosen because it seemed reflective of the goal of an active engagement in the dynamic state of cultural and political affairs at the time of the program’s founding. 一度, 启动了一个项目,追溯地使PULSE成为首字母缩略词, but when someone suggested that it stand for “People United to Literally Save Everything,这一努力很快就被放弃了.








  • 哈雷的房子
  • 松树街客栈
    提供住房, emergency 服务, and workforce development to those experiencing homelessness.
  • 罗茜的地方
    Helps poor and homeless women maintain their dignity, seek opportunity, and find security.


  • 撒玛利亚人



  • Newton Wellesley Weston社区生活委员会
    提供住房, 服务, and advocacy for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.






Dave Manzo was so moved by his PULSE placement at the 社区 Advancement Program that he left BC for a year to work at the organization, 哪个机构为有危险和有帮派的青少年提供服务. He eventually finished his philosophy degree, and later returned to the program (now called COMPASS). 时局艰难,公司濒临倒闭, so Manzo put his home up as collateral for a loan…while 他的妻子 was pregnant. Things improved and Manzo wound up running COMPASS for twenty years, leaving in 2004. 从那以后他一直是科廷学校的校长, 哪些学校教育有特殊需要的孩子, 并在PULSE担任兼职教授近40年.




玛丽·库德利斯的第一个PULSE项目是在约书亚中心, a campus support center where BC students provided counseling and referral 服务. 那项工作, 以及随后在临床护理机构的轮岗, 这让库德里斯在社区心理健康领域获得了一份回报丰厚的职业. 第一届PULSE理事会成员, 她后来获得了精神病护理硕士学位, and eventually served as the deputy director of the 费尔法克斯-福尔斯教堂社区服务委员会, 哪个机构为精神疾病患者提供服务, 物质使用障碍, 或者发育性残疾. 现在退休了, Kudless continues to volunteer weekly at a free clinic providing mental health treatment.




乔纳森•斯科特 started at Victory House during a PULSE placement in 1976 and never left. He worked his way up from volunteer to president and CEO of the agency’s parent organization, 胜利的程序, 哪家公司为无家可归者提供服务, 物质使用, 以及艾滋病毒/艾滋病等慢性疾病. When he retired this year, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh declared it “乔纳森•斯科特 Day” in the city. 对他们来说, Scott’s friends from his days on the PULSE Council presented him with a certificate anointing him the holder of the record for the longest PULSE placement. “我在PULSE找到了一个社区,”斯科特说. “我找到了我的部落.”   
