Nostra Aetate


Second Vatican Council

October 28, 1965

1. In our day, when people are drawing more closely together and the 不同民族之间的友谊纽带正在加强,教会 examines more carefully its relations with non-Christian religions. Ever aware 它有责任促进个人之间,甚至国家之间的团结和慈善, 它从一开始就反映了人们有什么共同之处,以及往往会带来什么 them together.

Humanity forms but one community. This is so because all stem from the one stock which 上帝创造了整个地球(见使徒行传17:26),也因为所有的人 share a common destiny, namely God. His providence, evident goodness, and saving designs extend to all humankind (see Wis 8:1; Acts 14:17; Rom 2:6-7; 1 Tim 2:4) 等候选民聚集在圣城的日子 因神的荣耀光照,万民都要在他的光辉中行走 Apoc 21:23 ff.).

People 从他们不同的宗教中寻找人类未解之谜的答案 existence. The problems that weigh heavily on people's hearts are the same today as in past ages. What is humanity? What is the meaning and purpose of life? What is upright behavior, and what is sinful? Where does suffering originate, and what end does it serve? How can genuine happiness be found? What happens at death? What is judgment? What reward follows death? And finally, what is the 人类无法解释的终极奥秘,它包含了我们的整个存在, from which we take our origin and towards which we tend?

2. 纵观历史,直到今天,在不同的民族中发现了一种 一定意识到一种隐藏的力量,它隐藏在自然的进程和背后 the events of human life. At times, there is present even a recognition of a supreme being, or still more of a Father. This awareness and recognition results in a way of life that is imbued with a deep religious sense. The religions which are found in more advanced civilizations endeavor by way of well-defined concepts and exact language to answer these questions. Thus, in Hinduism people 探索神圣的奥秘,并在无限丰富的神话中表达出来 and the accurately defined insights of philosophy. They seek release from the trials of the present life by ascetical practices, profound meditation and recourse to God in confidence and love. Buddhism in its various forms testifies to the essential inadequacy of this changing world. It proposes a way of life by which people can, with confidence and trust, attain a state of perfect 解放和达到最高的启示或通过自己的努力或 with divine help. So, too, other religions which are found throughout the world 尝试用不同的方式来克服人们内心的不安 概述生活计划,包括教义、道德规范和神圣仪式.

The Catholic Church rejects nothing of what is true and holy in these religions. It 对生活和行为的方式、戒律和教义有高度的重视吗 它虽然在许多方面与自己的教导不同,但却经常 reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men and women. Yet it proclaims 并且有责任必定宣扬基督,他是道路,是真理 and the life (Jn 1:6). In him, in whom God reconciled all things to himself (see 2 Cor 5:18-19), people find the fullness of their religious life.

The Church, therefore, urges its sons and daughters to enter with prudence and charity into discussion and collaboration with members of other religions. Let 基督徒在见证自己的信仰和生活方式的同时,承认, preserve and encourage the spiritual and moral truths found among non-Christians, together with their social life and culture.

3. The church has also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship God, who is one, 他是有生命的,有生命的,仁慈的,全能的,是天地的创造者,1 who has also spoken to humanity. They endeavor to submit themselves without 谨守神隐藏的旨意,像亚伯拉罕顺服神的旨意一样 plan, to whose faith Muslims eagerly link their own. Although not acknowledging him as God, they venerate Jesus as a prophet; his virgin Mother they also honor, and even at times devoutly invoke. Further, they await the day of judgment and the reward of God following the resurrection of the dead. For this reason they 以正直的生活为重,以祷告的方式敬拜神, alms-deeds and fasting.

Over 几个世纪以来,基督徒和基督徒之间发生了许多争吵和纠纷 Muslims. The sacred council now pleads with all to forget the past, and urges that a sincere effort be made to achieve mutual understanding; for the benefit 最重要的是,让他们共同维护和促进和平、自由和社会正义 and moral values.

4. 探听着教会的奥秘,这个神圣的会议 记住将新约的人与上帝联系在一起的精神纽带 stock of Abraham. 

The 基督教会承认,在上帝的救恩计划的开始 its faith and election are to be found in the patriarchs, Moses and the prophets. It professes that all Christ's faithful, who as people of faith are daughters and sons of Abraham (see Gal 3:7), are included in the same 大牧首的召唤,教会的救赎被神秘地预言了 in the exodus of God's chosen people from the land of bondage. On this account 教会不能忘记,它是通过圣经领受旧约的启示的 上帝以他那无法形容的怜悯,在他们身上建立了 ancient covenant. Nor can it forget that it draws nourishment from that good 橄榄树,外邦人的野橄榄枝,都嫁接在这树上 (see Rom 11:17-24). The church believes that Christ who is our peace has through 他的十字架使犹太人和外邦人和好,使他们在自己里面合而为一 2:14,16). 

Likewise, the church keeps ever before its mind the words of the apostle Paul about his kin: "they are Israelites and it is for them to be sons and daughters, to 它们属于荣耀、圣约、律法的颁布、敬拜和 the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race according to the flesh, is the Christ" (Rom 9:4,5), the Son of the Virgin Mary. It is 并且要记念使徒,就是教会所倚靠的柱石, 都是犹太人的后裔,就像许多早期的门徒一样,他们宣称 Gospel of Christ to the world. 

正如圣经所证明的那样,耶路撒冷没有意识到上帝的时刻 came (see Lk 19:42). Jews for the most part did not accept the Gospel; on the contrary, many opposed its spread (see Rom 11:28). Even so, the apostle Paul maintains that the Jews remain very dear to God, for the sake of the 因为上帝不会收回他所赐予的礼物,也不会收回他的选择 made.2 Together with the prophets and that same apostle, the church 等候那只有神知道的日子,万民都要用一人呼求神 voice and serve him shoulder to shoulder (Soph 3:9; see Is 66:23; Ps 65:4; Rom 11:11-32). 

Since Christians and Jews have such a common spiritual heritage, this sacred council wishes to encourage and further mutual understanding and appreciation. This can 特别是通过对圣经和神学的探究和通过 friendly discussions. 

Even though the Jewish authorities and those who followed their lead pressed for the 基督的死(见约19:6),既不是当时所有的犹太人不分青红皂白, 也不是今天的犹太人,可以被指控在他的激情中犯下的罪行.  It is true that the church is the new people of God, yet the Jews should not be spoken of as rejected or accursed as if this followed from holy scripture. 所以,众人都要谨慎,免得迷惑人,或传讲道 他们所教导的与福音的真理不相符 message or the spirit of Christ. 

Indeed, the church reproves every form of persecution against whomsoever it may be directed. Remembering, then, its common heritage with the Jews and moved not by 任何政治上的考虑,而仅仅是出于基督徒的宗教动机 charity, it deplores all hatreds, persecutions, displays of antisemitism directed against the Jews at any time or from any source. 

The 教会一直坚持并继续坚持基督是出于无限的爱 为众人的过犯受苦受死,使众人都能 attain salvation.  It is the duty of the church, therefore, in its preaching to 宣讲基督的十字架是上帝普世之爱的标志和源头 of all grace. 

5. 如果我们对待任何人都像对待其他人一样,我们就不能真正地向上帝祈祷 than sisters and brothers, for all are created in God's image. People's relation 他们与父神的关系,以及他们与其他男女之间的关系是如此依赖 each other that the Scripture says "they who do not love, do not know God" (1 Jn 4:8). 

There 因此,在理论上或实践上,是否都没有任何歧视的依据 个人与个人之间,或者人与人之间 from human dignity or from the rights which flow from it. 

Therefore, the church reproves, as foreign to the mind of Christ, any discrimination 反对或骚扰他人,因为他们的种族,肤色, condition in life or religion. Accordingly, following the footsteps of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, the sacred council earnestly begs the Christian faithful to "conduct themselves well among the Gentiles" (1 Pet 2:12} 如果可能的话,只要依靠他们,与所有的人和平相处(见 Rom 12:18) and in that way to be true daughters and sons of the Father who is in heaven (see Mt 5:45).




1. See St Gregory VII, Letter 21 to Anzir (Nacir), King of a. Mauretania: PL 148, col. 450 ff.

2. See Rom 11:28-29;  See Vatican Council II,  Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium.