Photo: Caitlin Cunningham

On the Middle East

尽管经济困难和外交压力, Middle Eastern leaders, 同时对战争中的乌克兰受害者表示同情, have refrained from condemning Russia’s aggression. 

目前为止,乌克兰战争主要是由美国参与的, the European Union, 北约成员国反对俄罗斯公然和血腥的侵略, 世界上其他国家无疑将在未来几年承受战争的不利经济和政治后果. The Middle East will be no exception. 评估冲突对该地区的当前和长期影响, 我们必须铭记,构成今天中东的各国在经济资源方面彼此差别很大, political and security concerns, and strategic ties to outside superpowers. “Arab nationalism,这种意识形态曾将该地区的阿拉伯国家团结在一起, has given way to sectarian and ethnic loyalties, extremist Islamist movements, 领土野心导致了代理战争或直接的国家间战争. Moreover, 该地区最强大的三个非阿拉伯国家——伊朗, Israel, 土耳其——追求独立于美国的政策和利益, or often in conflict with, their Arab neighbors.

In its early stages, 乌克兰战争给中东带来的挑战主要是经济方面的, though hardly the same across the region. For major oil- and gas-exporting Gulf Arab states, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, 面临的挑战是如何在油价飙升带来的暴利与美国和其他西方大国要求限制油价上涨和提高产量的外交压力之间取得平衡, at least temporarily. For the non-oil-rich states in the region, 战争严重扰乱了重要农产品的进口. In Egypt, for example, 该国85%的小麦和其他谷物进口依赖乌克兰和俄罗斯, 供应中断导致面包和其他食品价格急剧上涨, 这可能会使穷人进一步贫困并导致社会动荡.

尽管有这些经济困难和外交压力, Middle Eastern leaders, 同时对战争中的乌克兰受害者表示同情, have refrained from condemning Russia’s aggression. 例如,阿拉伯联合酋长国是仅有的三个对联合国安理会决议投弃权票的国家之一.N. 安理会决议谴责俄罗斯去年2月的入侵. (China and India were the other two.) Egypt, shortly after voting in favor of a U.N. 谴责俄罗斯入侵的联合国大会决议, 发表了一份声明,申明俄罗斯对乌克兰的国家安全担忧是合理的,并谴责美国对乌克兰的制裁.S. and Europe. In nearly every case, 这些国家的跨界和不愿指责俄罗斯反映了他们希望保护他们与俄罗斯(间接与中国)不断扩大的关系.S. seems intent to reduce its footprint in the region.

以色列和土耳其对俄罗斯的侵略反应都很谨慎, 他们试图在西方和俄罗斯之间发挥积极的调解作用,尽管没有成功. In Israel’s case, 与俄罗斯的友好关系包括一项默契,即允许以色列定期空袭伊朗在叙利亚的武器库和民兵, with Russian forces looking the other way.

Syria and Iran, in sharp contrast to other Middle Eastern countries, have been unequivocal in their support for Russia. In the case of Syria, 在经历了10年的内乱和伊斯兰国的致命袭击之后,其现任政权的幸存要归功于俄罗斯的军事干预和保护盾, 叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)明确声援俄罗斯并不令人意外. For Iran, 与俄罗斯日益密切的关系,以及对其在乌克兰行动的一贯支持,最好的解释是,这是一种平衡行为,目的是抵御美国对其核计划的“最大压力”政策带来的毁灭性经济和政治影响, 并确保在以色列和美国可能发动军事袭击的情况下,如果目前在维也纳举行的恢复2015年核协议(JCPOA)的谈判失败,伊朗可以免受强大盟友的保护.

乌克兰战争对中东和世界其他地区的长期政治后果将在很大程度上取决于美国是否会处理这场冲突.S. 以及它的全球民主伙伴,将其视为一场特殊而短暂的危机, as President Biden has stated more than once, a “battle between democracy and autocracy.” Beyond its clear warning to Russia and, implicitly, to China, 后一种观点将对未来的美国经济产生重大影响.S. dealings and policies toward the Middle East.

Perhaps more than any other world region, the Middle East has long suffered from a combination of three factors: authoritarian rule in “rentier” states that rely on their enormous oil revenues to win their citizens’ loyalties and subservience; the support of such states by world powers motivated by their own economic interests and priorities; and the rise of extremist Islamist ideologies. 建立一个致力于民主治理和遵守国际规则和规范的国家联盟将是一项艰巨的任务, 但是把这些理想作为国际关系的指导原则, more specifically, 在如何应对专制政权方面,我们将向前迈出值得称赞的一步. Such declarations, 随着它们成为外交政策官方和公共话语的一部分, 也能提供一个道德指南针,用来衡量我们过去对中东和其他地方的专制政权的政策偏离这些理想的程度. 

Ali Banuazizi太阳城官网政治文化的政治学太阳城官网教授吗, religions, civil society, and politics of the Middle East, as well as the social history, contemporary domestic politics, and foreign relations of Iran.