布莱恩Gonsalves, Director of 学生支持 Services at 波士顿绿色学院

布莱恩Gonsalves, Director of 学生支持 Services at 波士顿绿色学院

现场报道 is a monthly feature designed to showcase the school’s commitment to 领域的教育, and to fostering fruitful relationships with organizations, 无论是在波士顿还是在世界各地, who are providing critical services to those living at the margins of society.

机构合作伙伴: 布莱恩Gonsalves, BCSSW现场顾问

组织:  波士顿绿色学院

服务:  成立于2011年, 波士顿绿色学院 is a Horace Mann Charter School serving students in grades 6-7 and 9-12 in the Boston Public School District. The school takes a particular interest in promoting sustainable living among its students, encouraging them to “create a diverse 21st century green economy.”

As Director of 学生支持 Services at the academy, Gonsalves is responsible for addressing “anything that happens outside of the classroom in order to ensure success within it.” In short, he works to manage student behaviors that may get in the way of learning.

“青少年, 当然, are experiencing all kinds of emotions as they seek to negotiate the relationships they encounter on a daily basis,他解释道. “It’s a time when many youth are just starting to come of age and gain some measure of independence. It’s also a time where some are beginning to understand their own mental health challenges, 比如焦虑, 抑郁症, 或者与身份作斗争. My job is to help them to find solutions to more effectively manage some of these challenges.”

Gonsalves’ team offers a variety of services to students, 包括危机干预, 辅导项目, 直接个别辅导, 必要时进行评估和转介, 还有团体治疗.

与BCSSW的关系:  Gonsalves has a unique connection with BC Social Work, having completed his own MSW in Chestnut Hill in 1992. He’s been supervising students from various schools of social work since 2004, including BCSSW. 今年, his office includes five such MSW candidates who work directly with students in each of the aforementioned service areas.

“给BC的学生, 波士顿绿色学院 offers a great opportunity to get first hand experience in an urban school setting,贡萨尔维斯说. “It’s also a place that allows MSW candidates to better understand the social systems that impact students, 提醒他们没有人是在真空中长大的. And it helps to remind us all that there exist certain finite resources, and that we have to do our best with what we have.”

“We’re also very lucky to have students of the caliber of BC here at our school. I appreciate all of their up-to-date knowledge from their coursework, which has allowed me to stay relevant myself in the clinical field. It’s a privilege to be able to continue to improve in my own profession, and my ongoing connection with BCSSW plays an important role in my own development.”