
安寿Lamichhane, MSW ' 19,宏观项目,全球实践


儿童与逆境太阳城官网项目 (RPCA)在太阳城网赌平台社会工作学院


Lamichhane is assigned to the RPCA’s Family Strengthening Intervention for Refugees (FSI-R) project, which aims to decrease mental health disparities among Somali Bantu and Bhutanese refugee children and families in New England through home-based interventions. 的 project uses a community based participatory research (CBPR) approach to test the intervention for feasibility, 可接受性, 和有效性, and is currently scaling up from an 80-family pilot to a 300-family study.

Lamicchane帮助支持FSI-R计划的实施. 像这样, one of her tasks is to develop and maintain a database of community resources and services in Springfield, 麻萨诸塞州, 和刘易斯顿, 缅因州, that the interventionists and research assistants can access as needed to share with families. 例如, FSI-R data indicated the Somali Bantu and Bhutanese children in the pilot lacked meaningful summertime activities, 所以Lamichhane正在收集夏令营的信息, 项目, 为难民家庭提供奖学金机会.

Lamichhane is also spearheading a Youth 社区 Advisory Board (Youth CAB) for the adolescents in the Bhutanese community in Springfield. Youth CAB is both an integral component of CBPR and a critical element of the partnership between the youth and the RPCA researchers. It will provide a platform for the youth to communicate their challenges and strengths, as well as ways in which the intervention might better address their needs.  

另外, Lamichhane, 他来自尼泊尔, has the opportunity to use her native language skills conducting exit interviews with the Bhutanese interventionists from the pilot study—community members, 自己的难民, 谁为RPCA工作. “We discuss family interventions and how we can improve the process,她说。. 在这些离职面谈中, I’m translating and transcribing at the same time and then analyzing those data.”

“Working in this placement with refugee families and children has given me access to such a diverse set of issues,Lamichhane说. “我是一名宏观学生, but I am now more clinically informed by participating in the FSI-R’s weekly clinical supervision calls where the interventionists debrief about the issues and challenges that these families are experiencing.”


From left: Jenna Berent, MSW student Dory Dinoto, Lamichhane, and Jordan Farrar.


“我喜欢这里的监督,”Lamichhane说. “我的临床导师是Dr. Jordan Farrar, who is the associate director of research at RPCA. 我很感激她对我工作的反思和周到的反馈. One of the reasons I chose this internship was because I wanted to develop research skills and techniques, and her background in research and social work is extremely helpful to me.”

Lamichhane还与项目经理Jenna Berent一起工作, 谁来监督FSI-R索马里和不丹的干涉主义者. “Jenna has a degree in public health and her passion for helping refugee children and families has inspired me—I have learned so much from helping her with this project,Lamichhane说.

另外, she relishes working alongside the RPCA team—whose collective expertise spans the social sciences from psychology and social work to public health and economics. “It’s so interesting to see how people from different educational backgrounds approach solutions, it is giving me a strong platform to self-reflect and grow as a macro social work student,她说。.


“的 most significant takeaway for me from this field placement is the first-hand experience in developing my research skills,Lamichhane说. “在我开始这个实习之前, 我对太阳城官网了解不多, and now I understand how research works and how data is collected and transformed into interventions in the real world. I am learning so many research skills and techniques that I will use in my career.”

作为一名社会工作者,她也为自己的个人成长感到兴奋. “通过离职面谈, I have learned how much an intervention has helped a family to strengthen their relationships, how much it has helped families to pursue available resources and community services when they are in need,Lamichhane说. “的se intervention modules for refugee families are very helpful. 这不仅仅是单方面的,我们不仅仅是在收集数据.”


Lamichhane’s short-term plans include graduating this spring and being a member of a data collection team for another research-based internship. “在那之后,我想攻读博士学位.D. 在美国的社会工作.S. 或者加拿大,”她说.

Her long-term plan includes returning to Nepal to help eradicate Chhaupadi, a cultural tradition in rural Nepal that banishes girls and women from the household during menstruation and, 在某些情况下, 去月经小屋. 这些小屋, 2005年被尼泊尔政府取缔, 是孤立的, 经常没有暖气的, 和不安全.

“My goal is to better understand how menstrual stigma affects girls,Lamichhane说. She is particularly interested in determining its effects on their school performance and attendance. “I want to work from the community level to intervene with this issue based on research,她说。.