《社会科学太阳城官网与创新》之一, 经济, 与环境公平(RISE)” initiative’s first endeavors is to partner with the White House on ongoing research projects.

3月7日, 太阳城网赌平台社会工作学院 professors Tiziana Dearing 和 David Takeuchi went to the White House for the launch of the Obama Administration’s new program, Exp和ing Opportunity with Open Data on Building Stronger Ladders of Opportunity: A White House Demo. Dearing 和 Takeuchi met with members of the president’s Office of Science 和 Technology Partnerships, representing the leadership of a new 和 exciting initiative at BCSSW called 太阳城官网 和 Innovations in Social, 经济, 与环境公平(RISE). RISE will serve as initial academic research partner with the White House on the aforementioned project.

David Takeuchi 和 Tiziana Dearing representing BC Social Work initiative RISE at The White House, 3月7日, 2016.

David Takeuchi 和 Tiziana Dearing representing BC Social Work initiative RISE at The White House, 3月7日, 2016.

那么什么是RISE呢? 简而言之, RISE’s mission is to “reframe challenges 和 resolve problems around social, 经济, 和 environmental equity in ways that impact local outcomes while generating knowledge 和 policy ideas of national 和 global significance.该计划希望吸引来自各个学科的太阳城官网人员, 同时也吸引那些体验社交的人, 在工作的每个阶段实现经济和环境正义. (除了迪林和竹内教授 露丝·麦克罗伊 是RISE领导团队的第三位成员).

在这个Q中&我是BC社工, RISE团队提供了更多关于RISE是什么的深度, 讨论建立项目的动力, 它在解决种族社会弊病方面的潜在影响, 的地方, 以及基于贫困的框架, 以及他们对RISE今天和未来的希望.


RISE团队: 我们相信种族, 贫困, 的地方, 和 equity pose unique contemporary opportunities that call for a refocus on a fundamental facet of social justice: dignity for all individuals. This ethic can create a common framework for dialogue 和 exchanges across different sides of the political 和 ideological spectrum that advance social change.

我们在一个特别重要的时刻推行这一倡议. Pope Francis is leading groundbreaking conversations about 贫困 和 equity. He is creating both room for these social issues to rise in importance 和 attention as well as a market for thought leadership 和 knowledge. 在这些时刻, 能品行深者, 质量太阳城官网,并阐明它的方式消费的从业人员, 政策制定者, 选民和关心此事的公民满足了一个巨大的需求, 并有机会改变事态的发展. It is unclear how long this window will be open but it is prudent to act soon.

Why is BC Social Work well equipped to “fulfill the great need” you mention?  

上升: The RISE concept is perfectly suited to 太阳城网赌平台 和 the School of Social Work. 太阳城网赌平台是耶稣会的学校, Catholic institution situated – both geographically 和 with its networks – close to Boston neighborhoods in which the combination of race, 的地方, 和 贫困 disproportionately drive poor outcomes for children 和 families.

大波士顿地区在以股权为基础的工作方面处于领先地位, 与一些全国知名的社会革新者组织合作, 比如联合青少年平等中心和 InnerCity举重. The School of Social Work has connections to these organizations 和 others through research, 学生配售, 指导的关系, 和更多的. And the university on the whole is home to scholars across a broad range of schools 和 departments who lead their fields 和 who are poised to engage with each other 和 the broader world for true impact.



The original RISE idea was born out of Ruth’s commitment to do deep work with Boston organizations. 这一承诺至关重要, 我们相信, 我们对BC社工的看法, 并且可以.

Tell us more about the realities of race, 的地方, 和 贫困, 和 how they come to intersect. Why is this intersection so critical for the social work community to underst和, 和 act upon?

上升: 以波士顿市为例. 根据波士顿基金会, the three lowest-income neighborhoods in Boston also have the highest levels of unemployment 和 violent crime, 社会信任度最低, 也是非洲裔美国人最集中的地区. 诸如 拉吉柴提 和 布鲁斯西方 consistently shows that 的地方, perceptions of race 和 income all affect opportunities 和 outcomes. 有时, 当这些因素结合在一起时, they create an extra level of impact – compounding challenges or downward pressure on outcomes. This has tremendous implications for public policy at the local, state 和 national levels.  Social work is fundamentally 和 inherently about equity, about social justice.  如果这不关我们的事,那该是谁的事?


上升: RISE希望找到能够重新定义挑战的项目, 这就解决了社会问题, 经济 和 environmental equity in ways that impact local outcomes while generating knowledge 和 policy ideas of national 和 global significance.  That means work that’s always rooted in needs of real agencies serving real people.  It also means translating that work into recommendations used by regional, 国内和国际从业人员, 政策制定者和影响者.

What are your hopes for rise, as it launches, 和 then, into the future?  

上升: I hope our work ultimately supports opportunity for people experiencing social, 经济和环境不平等. I hope it helps convince a broader group of people that the intersection of race, 地方和贫穷是真正重要的事情.  I hope it raises questions of environmental justice that help round out our climate change debate.  我希望RISE和BC社工能为您服务. 这应该永远是我们的目标,对吧?

与白宫的合作对RISE来说意味着什么? 为什么RISE是这个特定项目的合适合作伙伴?

上升: The White House is doing this work on open data regarding equality of opportunity because they value transparency, 居民赋权, 以及人人有机会的理念.  我们也是. 他们提供居民可以使用的数据和工具, 社区可以使用, 太阳城官网人员可以利用.  RISE有太阳城官网框架, hypotheses 和 analytic capacity specifically ready to take advantage of the opportunity that OSTP has created here. 我们自然是第一个太阳城官网志愿者来分享他们的愿景.  像这样, our goals are a) to help connect resident-focused organizations to the initiative in order to advance resident-driven approaches to its use 和 development; b) to create products with the data that can advance ours 和 others’ research; 和 c) to offer reports 和 insights on how access, 在美国的城市里,机会和结果相互影响.