
我们为K-12教育工作者提供的产品借鉴了林奇学校教师以及该领域当前从业人员的太阳城官网. 为了满足21世纪学校的所有需求,我们将数据告知实践带到您的教室和教育空间. From teaching and learning to anti-racism and equity, from coaching and leading to student support, 我们的课程涵盖了广泛的主题,增强了学习空间,磨练了教育工作者的技能.



A Dive into Latin American History, Cultures, and Spanish Language

Teachers know that they should incorporate culture, 历史, 语言要真实&,在&,订单&,, create a culturally sustaining classroom that promotes the success of all their students, 但是要知道&,, teach and how can be difficult when the culture or language is not one's own. 

To&确保任何老师, regardless of personal background or language of instruction, can have the knowledge necessary&,, foster biculturalism and critical consciousness&,在 their students, this workshop will cover:

  • Latin American 历史 and the language 历史 of Spanish
  • Similarities and differences between Caribbean, 中美洲, and South American cultures
  • Key concepts of English and Spanish grammar

Content will be connected&,, different academic standards, giving participants tangible examples&,,&,使用&,在&他们的日常练习.


Ana Soto Víquez and Mariam Gorbea Ramy
在线 Workshop Series
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This workshop series is about incorporating culture, 历史, 语言要真实 in the classroom. 本次研讨会将为参与者提供必要的知识,以创建一个文化可持续的课堂,支持所有学生的成功.

K-12 teachers interested in deepening their understanding of foundations of language education.
Disrupting the Narrative: Anti-Bias Tools for Texts

In this 90-minute workshop, 参与者将首先在我们的课堂上了解偏见,以及解决和破坏偏见的多种途径. 领导和教师将回顾和分析大卫·萨德克的《太阳城网赌平台》,并为每种形式提供文本示例. 然后,参与者将围绕自己的课程文本积极参与知情决策,并考虑减轻发现偏见的替代方法.


Lisa Portadin 
在线 Workshop
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This workshop will provide participants with the practical tools and reflective opportunities to evaluate and adjust classroom texts and instruction to address instances of bias. 

研讨会 K12的教育者 完全在线
K-12 teachers, administrators, and school leaders
Embedding SFL Writing In The American Reading Curriculum

ARC is currently used in a number of dual language programs. In order for these programs to incorporate SFL writing into the curriculum, 他们需要指导如何跨语言分发内容,以便为写作指导腾出空间,以及如何对写作和内容进行评估. 他们还需要支持,分发与课程内容有关的写作课程,并协调与ARC提供的内容有关的写作项目.

Currently, Maria Brisk正在与Umana学校合作创建单元,将SFL写作纳入ARC小学和中学的课程. These units will be tested in the last weeks of the school year.

Maria Estela Brisk & Antonelli Mejia
在线 Workshop
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After participating in this workshop educators will be able to understand the basic principles and policies guiding the merger between SFL writing and the ARC for different grade levels.

完全在线 K12的教育者 在线 研讨会
K-12 teachers, administrators, and school leaders
Math Routines That Promote Mathematical Fluency And Access For All

Math Routines that Promote Mathematical Fluency and Access for All includes six mini-sessions: an introduction, 4个独立的常规工作坊, 还有一个闭幕会议. Participants will engage with math content through the different instructional 例程.

After engaging with the routine, participants will learn the rationale and research behind each one. 了解为什么常规的结构是这样的,有助于教育工作者在与学生一起计划的时候做出教学决策,并在引导常规之后. 研讨会还将为参与者提供一些时间来探索材料和计划即将到来的日常活动.

Janamarie Sunkle &&波利,瓦格纳 
混合动力 Workshop
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Math Routines that Promote Mathematical Fluency and Access for All include six mini-sessions: an introduction, 4个独立的常规工作坊, 还有一个闭幕会议. Participants will engage with math content through the different instructional 例程. 

混合动力 K12的教育者 研讨会
K-12 teachers, administrators, and school leaders
Planning For Culturally Responsive School Leadership

Creating a school culture that is authentically culturally responsive requires a leader to think through a culturally responsive, 公平的, and critical consciousness lens. 这个由两部分组成的课程支持任何在正规教育环境中处于领导地位的人,以及希望更好地为历史上服务不足或边缘化的学生服务的人.

Participants will begin to shape and articulate their vision for a culturally responsive school and explore the frameworks and actions that will support them in authentically transforming their school spaces.

Keisha Valdez
在线 Workshop
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在线 研讨会 K12的教育者 完全在线
中小学教师, administrators, and school leaders
Practical Language and Strategies to Build Executive Function and Decrease Anxiety

In this interactive workshop, 你将被赋予:理解焦虑和执行功能实用的语言来谈论焦虑和执行功能有效的反应来减少焦虑和建立执行功能, particularly how to improve organization, 转换, 例程, 自我监控, self-regulating and 思维灵活性—all without sacrificing too much instructional time. Learn how to help your students, particularly those with anxiety, 多动症或学习障碍, become less stressed and more efficient, 自主和高效.

Noel Foy
在线 Workshop
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With the continued climb in anxiety in children (over 30% of students), teachers and students need to be aware of the relationship between anxiety and executive function. 在压力大的时候, executive function can be hijacked, 导致学生忘记方向或难以开始或在任务变得具有挑战性时坚持下去.

在线 研讨会 K12的教育者 完全在线
K-12 teachers, administrators, and school leaders
Providing Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction

As educators, it is often difficult to plan ELA units while balancing the scope and sequence of the curriculum, 确保最佳实践, and staying grounded in the work of equity and excellence. This workshop will be grounded in Gholdy Muhammad’s research, 主要关注“黑人社区读写能力的社会和历史基础,以及如何在今天的课堂上重新定义读写能力的发展”."

Using Muhammad’s text,&,培养天才, participants will look at the big picture of a unit, analyzing all of the tenets of the equity framework. 这项工作将包括通过讨论实践来拆解框架,以确保教学和学习能够破坏种族主义, 性别歧视和其他压迫.

Marcia Riddick 
In-Person Workshop
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This workshop will be grounded in Gholdy Muhammad’s research, 主要关注“黑人社区读写能力的社会和历史基础,以及如何在今天的课堂上重新定义读写能力的发展”.”

在校园 K12的教育者 研讨会
K-12 teachers, administrators, and school leaders
Strategies to Boost Executive Function, Productivity, and Motivation with Writing

Do your students find it challenging to get started on a writing task? Do they have difficulty with stamina, 努力, 和自我调节, or find it hard to remember the directions and steps of an assignment? 如果是这样的话, 焦虑和不发达的执行功能可能会干扰他们的工作效率和动力.

Executive function—which includes goal setting, 规划, 组织, 优先级, 思维灵活性, 自我监控, and thinking critically—is essential to writing. When highly stressed or anxious, the executive function goes offline, blocking students’ abilities to focus on the task, remember what they need to do, and be flexible in their thinking.


Noel Foy
在线 Workshop
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In this workshop, 你将学习如何结合语言来建立执行功能,快速减少焦虑和行为问题, practical skill-building activities to develop executive function and increase production, 动机, and confidence as related to writing 

K-12 teachers, administrators, and school leaders
Success in Instructional Coaching

Coaches and mentors in education settings are in increased demand. 越来越多的学校和地区认识到教师指导和指导的价值,认为这是提高学生成绩的途径. Despite this growing recognition of the value of job-embedded professional development, there are limited opportunities to prepare coaches and mentors to perform their duties.

This 2 part series serves as an introduction to instructional coaching. Taking a coach-the-coach approach, the series addresses the coach's role and gets participants to think of how they are leaders, 有影响力的人, 以及变革的推动者. 参与者以促进最佳实践和持续改进的基于太阳城官网的方法为基础. 研讨会向参与者介绍了支持教练发展所需的关键杠杆和过程. It is ideal for those who are new to coaching or aspiring to be instructional coaches.


Keisha Valdez
在线 Workshop
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研讨会向参与者介绍了支持教练发展所需的关键杠杆和过程. It is ideal for those who are new to coaching or aspiring to be instructional coaches.





Care for the Whole 专业