阿丽亚娜·赵(Ariana Chao) 10岁时.S. ’11, started her freshman year at the 康奈尔护理学院, she had no plans to pursue research. “听起来很枯燥,”她说. 今天, Chao is working on her doctoral dissertation at the Yale School of Nursing and describes her research in a way that might surprise her freshman self. 她称之为“乐趣”.”

Chao的博士论文是关于压力、暴饮暴食和代谢异常的. 在最近的一个星期里, she received a National Institute of Nursing research grant; edited a research manuscript for publication and submitted another; conducted data analysis related to food cravings, 食物摄入量, and weight; and helped to organize a colloquium for her fellow doctoral students.

“我已经爱上了太阳城官网,”她说. “护士有很多复杂的问题要回答.”

Chao is among a growing number of students who can credit the Connell School’s Undergraduate 太阳城官网 太阳城官网员 程序 for transforming their passion for nursing into an interest in research. 今年是第17个年头, the 程序 给s undergraduates an opportunity to collaborate with a faculty member on a research project, 给他们护理科学的第一手经验. 太阳城官网员, 与导师紧密合作, 承担一系列的太阳城官网责任, 通常在医院或实验室, 并且按小时收费. Chao assisted Associate Dean for 太阳城官网 Barbara Wolfe for three years on a study analyzing the psychobiology of eating disorders—an experience she says “changed my life.”

Ariana Chao ' 10, M.S. ’11. 摄影:Donna Alberico

太阳城官网员和教员宽泛地定义了非学分项目的目标, from cultivating research skills and strong mentor relationships to expanding students’ understanding of nursing roles. 特别是, 他们说, the 程序 makes real a concept emphasized in the classroom: that research is integral to excellent clinical care.

“The 程序 sets the stage early that developing knowledge and generating evidence are part of a nurse’s responsibility,” 凯瑟琳读, associate dean of undergraduate nursing, who oversees the research effort with Wolfe. “这些都是学生成为领导者所需要的技能.”

根据唐纳德·L. Hafner, 谁是本科生教务长, 本科生太阳城官网人员计划始于1997年, when 太阳城网赌平台 undergraduate schools received donor and strategic plan funds to start student-faculty research fellowship 程序s. (其他排名靠前的护理学校也提供类似的课程.)

太阳城官网 studies on nursing education support such initiatives: exposing students to experiential research reduces the historical tendency of nursing undergraduates to dismiss research as boring and to overlook the research-practice 连接. 一篇去年发表在 护理教育与实践杂志 found that 67 percent of undergraduate nursing students who participated in a data collection project indicated that their understanding of research improved.

里德说,参加太阳城网赌平台太阳城官网员项目的人数有所增加. 在过去的五年里, 该项目从2010-11年度的38名学生波动到2012-13年度的65名学生. 前进, Read and Wolfe hope to increase not only participation but also student work hours (the average now is four hours a week).

阅读的知识, 对申请者没有正式的学术要求, 不过在过去,gpa较高的学生往往会被优先录取. 在她管理这个项目的九年里, 里德关于谁应该参加的想法已经改变了, 她说, and she is more inclined to accept students with lower GPAs from less academically privileged backgrounds. (“在这种情况下,她补充道。, “学生必须展示自己的进步, 学业成绩高于平均水平, 并且能够承担额外的责任.”)

如果康奈尔学院的教职员工有足够的项目来完成, all applicants are accepted; if not, 高年级学生优先.



目前,52名教员中有27人参加了该项目. After students submit applications in June, Read matches each of them with one or two fellows. Some matches are naturals, such as Chao and Wolfe, who share an interest in eating disorders. Pairs of students and faculty find common ground based on the patient population being studied, 正在进行的太阳城官网类型, 或者是更广泛的医疗保健专业, 例如慢性病干预或健康促进.

Some students working on projects in later phases have been named as coauthors on published studies. Other fellows have presented at the campus-wide Undergraduate 太阳城官网 Symposium, Sigma Theta Tau Alpha Chi年度太阳城官网日, 以及罗伊适应协会的会议, 东部护理太阳城官网学会, 新英格兰地区黑人护士协会, 和南达. 09级的詹妮弗·恩格尔在她大四的时候和沃尔夫一起工作, she won the student poster presentation award at the American Psychiatric Nurses Association annual meeting—an honor intended for a master’s-level participant. 斯蒂芬妮·范·达姆13年级协助琼·安德鲁斯·霍洛维茨教授, 产后抑郁症专家, 在设计一款名为“Glad Baby”的游戏时, “悲伤的宝宝”来教育妈妈们关于婴儿的情感暗示.

Read reports that the number of students now presenting outside of the 太阳城网赌平台 campus “marks a real change. 10年前还没有很多这样的事情发生.”

But fellows’ responsibilities and experiences vary greatly and depend on the stage of the faculty members’ research they become involved in. Not all research is quite so high profile, particularly in its early stages, she observes. Some fellows never set foot in a lab; instead, 他们可能会从图书馆里找文献,或者在宿舍里输入数据. Chao came on at the beginning of one of Wolfe’s studies and helped to recruit subjects suffering from anorexia, 难以接触到的人群. 赵在当地大学张贴了传单, 在报纸上登广告, and screened potential participants; later, 她输入数据,整理太阳城官网文件. 考虑到需要一个大样本, 在这个项目的三年里,她的职责并没有太大变化. 她现在使用从她的导师那里学到的技巧, 例如重复输入数据, 提高她自己太阳城官网的严谨性.

阿曼达·巴博萨,14岁. 摄影:Lee Pellegrini

对于其他学生, the 程序’s greatest reward is the access it provides to specialized medical settings. 这是她大三的第一年, Amanda 巴博萨 ’14 collected stool specimens from infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She was paired with Associate Professor Katherine 格雷戈里 on a study investigating how bacteria in preterm infants’ guts affect their risk for necrotizing enterocolitis. 巴博萨, 一位有抱负的儿科和产妇护理护士, 说她找不到更好的任务了.

“我太兴奋了!她说。. “我以前从未进过新生儿重症监护室或医院实验室.她今年又回到了这个项目,协助进行数据分析.

教师导师和学生通常共同制定个人目标. 但是学生可以从经验中获益, 他们是被分配到图书馆还是实验室, 本科生和教师说.

One thing that all students seem to develop in the 程序 is better critical-thinking skills. 教师 note that students they work with become better consumers of research; more able to analyze and 应用 scientific reading at a higher level. 在采集了数百个标本之后, 加上已经收集的三年的价值, 巴博萨 notes she not only has a better understanding of clinical papers but also greater interest in research methodologies.

许多教员和太阳城官网员建立了长期的师徒关系. 她毕业于耶鲁大学的护理硕士学位和康奈尔学院的博士学位.D. 程序, 沃尔夫帮助赵小兰准备耶鲁大学的太阳城网赌平台面试, 给她写推荐信, 甚至开车送赵又廷到纽黑文,把她介绍给沃尔夫的一位导师, 杰出的护士科学家玛格丽特·格雷, 赵现在和他一起工作. 赵小兰说,她可能从来没有考虑过攻读博士学位.D. 如果不是有机会看到沃尔夫“坐在餐桌上首”的话,“领导一个跨学科的医生团队的护士, 营养学家, 精神科医生, 以及贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心太阳城官网实验室的其他护士. 沃尔夫和赵小兰一直保持着联系.

教师和太阳城官网员都同意这个项目, 最重要的是, 帮助学生充分把握太阳城官网与实践之间的关键联系. 例如, 阅读说明, 学员们将注意力从如何完成一项特定的任务转移开来, 比如开始静脉注射或读心电图, 为什么证据告诉他们这么做是正确的. And Wolfe says that Connell School faculty’s emphasis on scholarship that addresses “the health issues of everyday people” further illuminates the classroom-to-lab-tobedside

“我们的教师太阳城官网涵盖了疾病和心理健康的许多领域, 但这一切都是为了改善他人的生活, 尤其是那些得不到充分服务的人,沃尔夫说。. “太阳城官网员 see firsthand how these projects make a difference by advancing and improving care.“巴博萨, 谁希望在医院实习并寻求太阳城官网机会, says that she will graduate with a “deeper perspective” on the impact that nurses have on research and, 相反, 太阳城官网对护士的影响. “我现在意识到有多少太阳城官网可以帮助我们实现变革,”她说. ✹

——alicia Potter, Donna Alberico和Lee Pellegrini拍摄