Boston College’s ties with Ireland, an emerging digital superpower, 为大学提供了支持跨大西洋网络安全工作的机会.

不列颠哥伦比亚省的全球领导力太阳城官网所(Global Leadership Institute)是这项努力的核心参与者, 在网络安全领域与爱尔兰和北爱尔兰领导人开展了一系列交流项目, 今年春天,北约和欧盟也加入了进来.

GLI还将于本月在爱尔兰基拉尼经济会议(Killarney Economic Conference)上共同主办一场网络安全跨大西洋政策论坛, where politicians, law enforcement policy makers, and cyber industry leaders will gather to share insights on government and corporate partnerships in cybersecurity; among the participants will be Kevin Powers, who directs the M.S. in Cybersecurity Policy and Governance program in BC's Woods College of Advancing Studies, 并在太阳城网赌平台法学院和卡罗尔管理学院任职.

In addition, 今年秋天,不列颠哥伦比亚省将接待一位爱尔兰网络行业专家进行为期四个月的学习, supported by a Tech Impact Award from Fulbright Ireland.

此次对网络问题的涉足,反映出GLI倾向于调整其资源和实践,以适应不断变化的地缘政治和社会现实. Founded as the Irish Institute in 1997, and building on earlier work by the Center for Irish Management, 它制定了旨在促进爱尔兰和北爱尔兰之间和解的方案和倡议, with support from the U.S. State Department. In the post-Good Friday Agreement era, where the State Department’s focus on Irish issues lessened, 该太阳城官网所扩大了其地理范围,包括其他地区-特别是中东和北非-同时也在大学内发挥更广泛的作用,以帮助国际推广:例如, in 2017, GLI开始了一项帮助墨西哥警察部队职业化的计划.

When you have a global perspective, 成为讨论已成为全球性问题和关切的一部分至关重要. There is a lot of uncertainty about how Brexit will play out, and what its economic, social, and political effects will be. 但爱尔兰及其在未来网络安全领域的潜在作用是值得关注的, Boston College is definitely part of that conversation.
BC Global Leadership Institute Director Robert Mauro
Global Leadership Institute Director Robert Mauro

Global Leadership Institute Director Robert Mauro (Lee Pellegrini)

GLI主任罗伯特·毛罗表示,该太阳城官网所在爱尔兰建立了完善的网络, 加上通过太阳城网赌平台爱尔兰商业委员会的额外联系, 多年来帮助维持了不列颠哥伦比亚省与爱尔兰的联系——当一系列事件的交汇预示着美国与爱尔兰关系的新维度时,这种联系被证明是相关的.

“The U.S. 美国国务院将爱尔兰视为美国网络安全防御的前线.S. in Europe,” he explains. “原因有两方面:首先,英国脱欧打乱了英国在欧洲可以发挥的作用. While the Brexit process has only started, 欧盟已经出台了《太阳城网赌平台》等新法规, which governs data protection and privacy. 爱尔兰在如何寻求实施GDPR方面一直非常透明. And this has meant that they serve as a vital point of contact.

“Second, Ireland is home to a large number of U.S. multinationals that based their headquarters in Dublin. The U.S. 他担心爱尔兰如何应对来自流氓国家的全面网络攻击,以及这对美国政府有什么影响.S. multinationals and the American economy.”

爱尔兰在数字基础设施方面的高知识基础和技能是它为网络安全带来的资产之一, Mauro says. 但它缺乏一个完整的国家安全政策和机构,使其能够在国际和跨大西洋网络安全方面发挥重要作用.

GLI的项目培养了爱尔兰和北爱尔兰的网络安全领袖, police, academic, private sector, 和行业代表——通过这种方式,波士顿和华盛顿的网络专业人士可以分享专业知识和最佳实践, D.C., says Mauro. In addition, GLI还为爱尔兰的网络专业人士提供了与北约和欧盟官员联系的途径, 通过参观爱沙尼亚和布鲁塞尔的北约网络安全卓越中心.

“Not being part of NATO is an obstacle for Ireland,” Mauro explains. “爱尔兰没有一个有效的框架来与其他北约国家分享信息, and it can’t take part in important defense exercises. 因此,爱尔兰需要加强与美国的沟通.S., the UK, and Europe, especially as Brexit unfolds.”

How do you approach cybersecurity as a priority? How do you plan, and align manpower and resources? 在制定政策和做法时,有什么道德考虑? How do you build the kind of partnerships between private industry, government, and academia that offer the promise of success? 这些都是我们在网络安全项目中探讨的问题, and they have great relevance for Ireland.
M.S. in Cybersecurity Policy and Governance Program Director Kevin Powers

Kevin Powers, 不列颠哥伦比亚省网络安全政策与治理硕士课程的创始主任, 将在5月10日的网络安全跨大西洋政策论坛上参加“网络威胁载体和即时反应”的讨论.


Kevin Powers

M.S. in Cybersecurity Policy and Governance Program Director Kevin Powers

“It’s a business issue, a management issue, from the top down. How do you approach cybersecurity as a priority? How do you plan, and align manpower and resources? 在制定政策和做法时,有什么道德考虑? 以及如何在私营企业之间建立伙伴关系, government, and academia that offer the promise of success?

“这些都是我们在网络安全项目中探索的问题, and they have great relevance for Ireland.”

Also in May, 鲍尔斯将在GLI联合组织的另一场活动上发表讲话:英国脱欧后网络安全联合会议, East-West security, and intelligence frameworks, to be held at Queen’s University in Belfast.

毛罗说,该太阳城官网所正与美国国务院密切合作, the Irish Department of Justice, 和英国国防部“确保即使传统的通信线路被切断,安全和情报共享也能得到改善。.”

GLI与伍兹学院网络安全项目的合作反映了该太阳城官网所与不列颠哥伦比亚省其他实体合作的愿望, adds Mauro, 他还提到太阳城网赌平台爱尔兰分校是该校在爱尔兰开展业务的关键推动者.

“When you have a global perspective, 成为讨论已成为全球性问题和关切的一部分至关重要,” he says. “There is a lot of uncertainty about how Brexit will play out, and what its economic, social, and political effects will be. 但爱尔兰及其在未来网络安全领域的潜在作用是值得关注的, Boston College is definitely part of that conversation.”

Sean Smith | University Communications | May 2019