照片由阿什利克雷格| BC艺术,艺术史和电影系

就在阿波罗11号登月52周年的两天之后,太阳城网赌平台的罗纳德. McNair Scholars—named in honor of the second U.S. 非裔美国宇航员在7月22日的太阳城官网研讨会报告中飙升, 为期一年的课程旨在提高他们的学术和太阳城官网技能.

The McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, administered by BC's Learning to Learn office, prepares low-income, 第一代和未被充分代表的少数族裔获得学士学位以外的学位, with an emphasis on attaining doctoral degrees.  In addition to the annual summer research component, 该项目提供包括GRE准备在内的学术服务, graduate school application process assistance, conference participation, and faculty mentoring.  

每位麦克奈尔学者根据各自的太阳城官网课题与一到两位BC大学教师导师配对, which were outlined during virtual, 15-minute presentations. 

Eric Dearing, a professor in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, mentored Lynch School student Deborah Amponsah '22, 她的项目重点是wic——联邦政府资助的妇女特别补充营养计划, Infants, 儿童参与和有色人种儿童的早期社会情感发展.

“才华横溢、雄心勃勃的麦克奈尔学者们承担了具有实践和科学意义的太阳城官网项目,用严谨的太阳城官网方法及时解决了紧迫的问题,” said Dearing.  “They’re also an exceptionally collegial group, and deeply invested in each other's success and development. Juxtaposed with their outstanding research projects, the scholars' questions, intellectual encouragement, and praise for one another was inspiring.”

Chasneika Astacio

学习学习副主任Chasneika Astacio负责麦克奈尔学者计划. “我们为所有麦克奈尔学者的工作和成就感到无比自豪, including our alumni."

“我很荣幸能成为(莫里西艺术与科学学院)22岁学生Brittney Gedeon的McNair联合导师,” said Professor of Biology Philip Landrigan, M.D.他是不列颠哥伦比亚省全球公共卫生和共同利益项目的主任. “As a BC grad and the grandson of Canadian-Irish immigrants, 作为麦克奈尔的导师是一个很好的回报和向前奉献的机会.  我有幸以这种跨代经历为基础, 并为来自弱势背景的新一代BC学生创造机会,他们是今天的老鹰队和美国的未来.” 

Gideon’s project, 由不列颠哥伦比亚省全球污染与健康观测站数据分析师萨曼莎·费舍尔共同指导, 关注马萨诸塞州空气污染对智商和人类健康的影响.

“It was a great experience, 我对我所看到的卓越的演讲质量印象深刻, both my mentee’s and others,” said Paul Cichello, an associate professor of the practice in the Economics Department, 也是莫里西学院22届学生娜塔莉·阿尔莫尼德的首次导师, 谁的太阳城官网探讨了政府的疫情防控政策对经济增长的影响.

“Natalie was phenomenal; she did an excellent job taking the initiative in bringing the research idea forward, finding the best data possible, and adapting to the technical challenges that she faced. 她学习了一门新的计量经济学技术,对新冠肺炎相关的整体政策问题有了更深入的了解. 麦克奈尔学者们显然已经做好了充分的准备,在他们的教育和职业生涯中建立和展示他们自己的想法.”

BC Professor of Law Kent Greenfield, who mentored James Kirwan '23 of the Carroll School of Management, 在一个与有色人种学生的经历有关的项目中导致了孤立感, alienation and/or imposter syndrome, had similar praise for the program participants.

“These young scholars are so very impressive,” said Greenfield.  “They’re insightful, hard-working, poised, and smart, and they’re channeling their passions, experiences, 对学术项目的投入不仅有助于他们作为思想家的成长,也有助于他们更广泛地追求知识和理解.”

“I couldn't be more impressed,” said first-time mentor Colleen Simonelli, 康奈尔护理学院负责本科项目的副院长和临床教授, whose mentee, Karen Aldana '23, focused on the role of race on prenatal care experiences. “The program is also phenomenal in terms of the communication, the resources and the goal-oriented outcomes. 继续支持这些才华横溢的学生并鼓励他们最大限度地发挥他们的巨大潜力是至关重要的.”

Julia DeVoy

林奇学院副院长Julia DeVoy在麦克奈尔学者项目中担任了12年的导师.

“麦克奈尔肩负着一项非常重要的使命,我很感激BC大学校园里有麦克奈尔的节目,” said first-time mentor Lauren Honig, an assistant professor in the Political Science Department.  “我对学生们在太阳城官网研讨会上提出的重要而有趣的太阳城官网问题印象深刻. My own advisee, (Morrissey College student) Aissata Diallo '23, had a fascinating research agenda, 我期待着继续在她的项目上与她合作,并从她的太阳城官网成果中学习.” 

“I started mentoring McNair Scholars 12 years ago, 希望我能成为塑造未来亲社会领袖的一部分,并将专业知识和太阳城官网技能传授给下一代,” said Julia DeVoy, 本科项目副院长和林奇学院的学生. Her mentee, Kobe Hurtado '22 of the Carroll School, 在以白人为主的院校中,太阳城官网了大学支持项目在塑造有色人种学生方面的作用.  

“As I continued to work with BC McNairs, 我很快发现,我得到的,如果不是更多的话,和我付出的一样多,” added DeVoy. “我不断从我的太阳城官网学者学生那里获得新的视角和主题见解.”

“我们为所有麦克奈尔学者的工作和成就感到无比自豪, including our alumni,” said Chasneika Astacio, associate director of the McNair Scholars Program. “这一年半充满了许多未知,但我们的学生继续茁壮成长. 感谢所有的教师导师、项目合作者和Learning to Learn的工作人员.  没有你们,我们的学生将无法为攻克卑诗大学和实现太阳城官网生教育梦想做好充分准备."

要了解更多关于麦克奈尔学者计划的信息,请访问Learning To learn网站.

Phil Gloudemans | University Communications | August 2021