Christ washing the feet of the apostles, from a prayer book illuminated by Master of Claude de France, 大约在1518 - 20. (Harvard University, Houghton Library)

的 麦克马伦艺术博物馆 at 太阳城网赌平台, 与哈佛大学霍顿图书馆和波士顿伊莎贝拉斯图尔特加德纳博物馆合作, presents a groundbreaking 展览 that charts nearly a millennium in the history of European painting.

无法用语言表达: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections comprises a total of 260 bound volumes, 单一的叶子, and cuttings from nineteen Boston-area libraries and museums. 这是北美有史以来规模最大的中世纪和文艺复兴时期手稿和早期印刷书籍展览.

It also is the inaugural 展览 在麦克马伦博物馆’s new state-of-the-art venue at 2101 Commonwealth Avenue. 届时将展出来自波士顿16个地区的180件欧洲彩饰, dating from the eleventh to sixteenth century.

这场多场地展览将于9月12日在太阳城网赌平台开幕,持续到12月11日, 2016, with an opening celebration to preview 无法用语言表达 并于9月10日和11日为当地社区成员开放新的麦克马伦博物馆, 博物馆之友, and 太阳城网赌平台 alumni.

Christine de Pizan awakened by Reason, 正直与公正 (detail) | F. 1r from Christine de Pizan’s Le Livre des trois Vertus | Paris, 法国c. 1405 | Boston Public Library, MS f Med. 101
A detail from 'Christine de Pizan awakened by Reason, 正直与公正,' from Christine de Pizan’s 'Le Livre des trois Vertus,“巴黎, 法国c. 1405. (波士顿公共图书馆)

In addition to its concurrent displays, 这个合作的大都会项目以其策展团队的规模和借贷机构的数量而闻名. 无法用语言表达 是第一个展示波士顿地区中世纪和文艺复兴时期照明亮点的展览——这些收藏构成了北美任何地方此类手稿最重要的集合之一. 每个场馆都将以中世纪和文艺复兴时期书籍创作的三个主要背景之一为特色, and related developments in design, script, 和装饰.

 “For the inaugural 展览 in its new museum in Boston, 麦克马伦博物馆很高兴能与全市的同事合作,组织和主办这个国家有史以来最全面、最具学术野心的手稿展览之一的最大部分,” said McMullen博物馆 Director and Professor of 艺术 History Nancy Netzer.

特洛伊的陷落| F. 80r from Virgil’s Aeneid | Bourges, France, c. 1451–56 | Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Richardson 38
'的 Fall of Troy' from Virgil’s Aeneid; Bourges, France, c. 1451–56 (Harvard University, Houghton Library)

超过180件作品将在博物馆新落成的戴利和莫南画廊展出,其中许多是首次展出. Published by the McMullen, 展览的目录是一份开创性的参考工作,来自世界各地的85位学者贡献了条目和论文,首次将波士顿地区保存的最辉煌的中世纪和文艺复兴时期的照明手稿汇集在一起.”
“真是太好了 无法用语言表达 will be the first 展览 in 太阳城网赌平台’s impressive new McMullen博物馆,” said co-curator Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Kuno Francke Professor of German 艺术 and 文化 at Harvard University. “这个场地将展示我们从波士顿地区16个不同的收藏中绘制的大量中世纪和文艺复兴时期的书籍绘画. I think that visitors will be surprised and delighted by the quality, 创造力, and sheer variety of the materials on display.”

无法用语言表达 展览 is displayed at three leading Boston-area cultural institutions, as no single institution could independently realize the curators’ vision. 这种非常规的, collaborative approach has many advantages, they say: 的 multi-venue format reflects the consortial nature of the project, 其中包括来自19个图书馆和博物馆的手稿和印刷书籍, reflecting the richness of resources in the Boston area.

在霍顿图书馆,将这些书分成三组还可以转移主题焦点, the monastic library; 在麦克马伦博物馆, the lay library; and at the Gardner Museum, 意大利人文主义图书馆——它容纳了展出的不同性质的藏品,并允许策展人以大胆的笔触呈现这本书从中世纪早期到文艺复兴和宗教改革的历史.

五旬节| F. 《太阳城官网》|让·布尔底尚(1457-1521,照明者)|图尔,法国,c. 1515–20 | Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 6.T.1
五旬节节选自一本由让·布尔迪尚(1457-1521)在法国图尔绘制的《太阳城官网》. 1515–20. (Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum)

Although each venue has its own integrity and can be viewed separately, the 展览 was conceived as an integrated whole. Most of the manuscripts were conserved and digitized as part of the 展览; as a result, 它们现在比以往任何时候都更容易接近,而且被描述得更详细.

麦克马伦艺术博物馆, 太阳城网赌平台: Manuscripts for Pleasure & 虔诚
September 12-December 11, 2016
麦克马伦博物馆的重点是外行读者和书籍在中世纪社会的地位. 的 High Middle Ages witnessed an affirmation of the visual and, 用它, empirical experience; there was an explosion of illumination. 各种类型的图像, whether in prayer or professional books, 证明了视觉展示在信仰和科学问题上的新重要性. 的 manuscripts on display, from 16 Boston-area collections, date from the 11th to 16th centuries, 来自欧洲各地.

Houghton Library, Harvard University: Manuscripts from Church & 修道院
September 12–December 10, 2016
的 Houghton Library emphasizes the centrality of books to monastic life. Male and female monasticism revolved around religion, but at its heart was a cult of the book: not just the Bible, 但是所有的书. 修道院的经文保证了古典文学和学术的生存和传播. 对文本及其作者的崇敬体现在修道院里制作的书籍的美感上. 展出的手稿突出了写字间既是手稿生产的空间,也是生产手稿的人类集体的空间.

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum: Italian Renaissance Books
September 22, 2016–January 16, 2017
加德纳博物馆探索了15世纪意大利现代书籍的诞生, which was the genesis of the radical shift from manuscript, 打印, to digital culture that evolved over the last 500 years. 在当前数字时代的背景下,关于书的相关性的争论, 展览邀请参观者在另一个时代思考一个革命时代. 这本人文主义的书被揭示为意大利文艺复兴时期艺术家们取之不尽的灵感源泉,也是知识和视觉文化的纽带.

In addition to Netzer and Hamburger, 展览 curators are William P. 石冢, curator of early books and manuscripts at HUL; Anne-Marie Eze, former associate curator of the collection, ISGM; and Lisa Fagin Davis, professor of practice in manuscript studies, Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science and executive director, Medieval Academy of America.

For more information about the 无法用语言表达 展览在麦克马伦博物馆,相关的节目和活动,参观时间和旅游,访问 the McMullen博物馆 展览 website.

For more information about the concurrent displays, visit the multi-展览网站 除了单词s 2016.

Major 展览 supporters include the National Endowment for the 人文学科 and, 在麦克马伦博物馆, Leslie and Peter Ciampi and the Patrons of the McMullen博物馆.

Boston-area lenders include the Armenian Museum of America, Mesrob G. Boyajian Library; Boston Athenæum; 太阳城网赌平台 John J. Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections and 麦克马伦艺术博物馆; Boston Public Library; Boston University School of 的ology Library; Brandeis University Robert D. Farber University 档案 & Special Collections; Harvard 艺术 Museums/Fogg Museum; Harvard Business School Baker Library; Harvard Divinity School, Andover-Harvard 的ological Library; Harvard Law School Historical & Special Collections; Harvard Medical School, Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, Boston Medical Library; Harvard University Houghton Library; Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; Massachusetts Institute of Technology Institute 档案 & Special Collections; Museum of 美术, Boston; Northeastern University Snell Library 档案 & Special Collections; Tufts University Tisch Library; and Wellesley College Margaret Clapp Library.
—Rosanne Pellegrini | News & 公共事务