
诺贝尔奖得主, 他是非洲和非洲侨民太阳城官网的新主任, and four Engineering faculty are among 51 new additions for the coming academic year

太阳城网赌平台 will welcome 51 new faculty members for the 2023-2024 academic year, 包括一位诺贝尔奖得主, 他是非洲和非洲侨民太阳城官网项目的新主任, 以及成立两年的工程系的另外四名教员.

 The 51 tenured or tenure-track faculty and full-time professors of the practice will be joined by an additional nine lateral hires—previously visiting faculty members who are now professors of the practice. 下一学年将有22名新生来到校园, 访问有期限合同的全职教员.

虽然比去年创纪录的62人要少, 今年的新一代全职学生, 非访问学者代表着另一个重要的里程碑, 据大学管理人员称:51人中有33人是女性, 这是卑诗省历史上最高的新员工比例(65%). 超过四分之一的新全职员工, 非访问教职员工(27%)是AHANA, 他们指出.

But straightforward statistical analysis only goes so far in evaluating the annual faculty hiring process, so vital to making major institutional goals for teaching and academics a day-to-day reality in BC classrooms. The number of hires in a given year can be affected by internal considerations—how many faculty are needed for a particular discipline or field—as well as short- or long-term trends impacting higher education that may be beyond BC’s control. 



考虑到所有这些因素, 副教务长比利·苏说, the litmus test for prospective faculty members is at once straightforward and multifaceted.

“这个人真的了解BC和我们的使命吗?他解释道. “他们是否欣赏耶稣会士, 天主教大学是关于, 以及作为这里的教授所带来的期望? That BC emphasizes an undergraduate education that involves not only intellectual development, 还有个人和精神的形成?

“并非所有的教师搜索都能成功. 由于种种原因,我们可能会输给另一个机构, 包括地理位置, 或者应聘者的时间框架根本行不通. But we’re not going to force ourselves to hire someone just for the sake of filling the position if none of the candidates fit the profile of what we look for in a faculty member.”  

诺贝尔奖得主、经济学家保罗•罗默(Paul Romer)也在新教授之列, 卡罗尔管理学院的塞德纳大学教授, who joins the school’s highly touted Finance Department and will launch the new Center for the Economics of Ideas.

历史学教授罗瑞尔·塞姆利, whose teaching and research in African history spans a multiplicity of disciplines, 源材料, and political and social subject matter—her current project examines the evolution of Black citizenship in the former French colonial empire—will become the new director of BC’s African and African Diaspora Studies program.

As the first majors in the University’s Human-Centered Engineering program move toward the latter stage of their undergraduate years, a newly arrived quartet of accomplished faculty will enable the 部门 to offer upper-level courses: Assistant Professors Emma Brace and Catherine Hoar, 实践的副教授阿明·莫赫比, 执业助理教授克里斯汀·康罗伊.

These and other new faculty appointments are the end result of many hours of work involving senior administrators and current faculty. 早春时节, academic deans assess their respective school’s teaching needs—based on such factors as faculty retirements or departures and growth of specific majors—and share these with the Office of the Provost, which takes a holistic view using metrics like student credit hours to help determine how many new faculty a school can recruit.

搜索 committees are formed with current faculty members—who sometimes serve on more than one, depending on their respective 部门’s openings—to identify and interview three finalists for each position. Soo noted that the school’s dean takes part in the interview process as well, 如果候选人是终身教职员工,教务长也会这么做.

“It’s a reflection of how seriously BC takes its mission when you have senior academic administrators as well as faculty involved in the search for new faculty,苏说. “作为一所大学, we make a great effort to ensure that our academic goals and strategies are widely understood throughout each school, 部门, 和程序. This knowledge is critical for a search committee member in determining whether a faculty candidate is a good fit for BC.”

Soo emphasized that context is a must in scrutinizing numbers of new faculty hires, 在BC和其他地方. A 部门 or program that is undertaking a new direction or starting a major initiative may carry out multiple or “cluster” hires for an academic year, 那么在接下来的两三年里,职位空缺就会大大减少. The relative lack of AHANA or women faculty in a particular field on a national level can affect how many candidates are available for a position.

“This year’s successful recruitment season was the result of ongoing collaboration among faculty search committees across the University working to advance key 部门al and school priorities,教务长兼院长大卫·奎格利说.  “I look forward to welcoming our newest colleagues to campus later this summer.”

New faculty members will receive their formal introduction to BC at an all-day event on August 17, 首先是大学校长William P. 莱希,年代.J.约翰·巴特勒,S.J.还有奎格利. Presentations on the University Mission and Ministry division’s work and on Title IX and student health and wellness will round out the morning session. 下午将包括大学图书馆的介绍, 学生小组, 关于教学和太阳城官网补助金的会议, and a talk on the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society by Laura Steinberg, 该太阳城官网所的Seidner执行董事. 院长和系主任的招待会将在当天结束.

Soo said the University has put an increasingly greater emphasis on faculty orientation, reflecting contemporary higher education practices but also its own institutional aims.

“We’ve found the panel with current undergraduates to be especially popular, because it’s a chance to hear what specific ways a faculty member can help students, 课堂内外.  我们要传达给新教员的信息是, “我们希望你成功, 不仅仅是因为我们在你身上投入了很多, but because we feel you have much to offer our students as well as your colleagues.’”