Project Summary

由国家心理健康太阳城官网所(NIMH)资助的受战争影响青年纵向太阳城官网(LSWAY)于2002年塞拉利昂内战结束时开始, our newest research is our fifth wave of data on this population,  titled,  推动战争对儿童心理健康代际影响的社会和生物机制:对发展以家庭为基础的干预措施的影响, which will examine both the mechanisms by which emotional and behavioral disruptions may be transmitted from parents to offspring; and the risk and protective factors that shape child mental health outcomes. 我们正在调查有毒压力是如何“深入皮肤”并代代相传的. 这项太阳城官网是撒哈拉以南非洲地区已知的首次努力,旨在太阳城官网战争对7-24岁后代心理健康的代际影响的可改变风险和保护性生物行为机制.

Approach & Aims

The fifth wave of this study will follow up with our cohort as well as their offspring aged 7-24. Inclusion criteria are (a) being a war-affected young adult previously interviewed at one or more waves of the LSWAY who still resides in Sierra Leone; (b) being a cohabitating intimate partner of the index participant; or (c) being a biological child (aged 7-24) of the index participant. Participant Incentives will be (a) equivalent of $7 USD per adult and $3 per child for families who participate in psychosocial assessments; (b) a health check-up and malaria test for all participating in collection of biomarkers; and (c) $3 USD and up to $3 USD for transportation for Key Informant interviews or Focus Group participation. We will provide beverages and snacks to all participants. 我们提议的太阳城官网调查将重复LSWAY措施,并增加新的心理健康和认知发展措施.


  • 在已为人父母的受战争影响青年的纵向样本中调查战争相关创伤的生物嵌入和长期心理健康后果(N=394).
  • Examine associations between parental war-related trauma exposure, mental health and biological and physiological indicators of emotion, cognition and social functioning in offspring aged 7–24 (N=410). 
  • 确定和审查可改变的风险因素和保护因素如何发挥作用,以确定优先干预目标,改善受战争影响儿童的身心健康,并制定筛查工具,确定面临风险的家庭.

Measurement & Metrics

采用混合方法建立具有文化意义和有效的心理健康评估, risk, protective factors, and social functioning. 所有措施都是在与当地工作人员和社区成员协商后自行报告和选择的. Items from the Child War Trauma Questionnaire, Post-War Adversities Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, SWAY Parenting, Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Adapted UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, PARQ-Short Form, Demographic and Health Survey Sierra Leone, 霍普金斯症状检查表流行病学太阳城官网中心抑郁量表-儿童版, UCLA PTSD Index, Child Behavior Cheklist, Brief COPE Scale, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, Normative Beliefs about Aggression Scale, Oxford Measure of Psychosocial Adjustment, RACER, Adapted Youth Risk Behavior Survey, WHO Disability Adjustment Scale, and Child Rating Scale were adapted for use in this project. 

Key Findings

  • LSWAY的太阳城官网结果来自四波(T1:2002-T4:2016/17)的数据收集和分析,表明健康地过渡到成年与参与亲社会行为和社区参与有关, while problems with hostility, poor emotion regulation, 社交退缩为实现健康和富有成效的生活制造了障碍
  • 这项新太阳城官网将使我们能够太阳城官网受战争影响的父母的生物行为机制如何影响子女的养育和心理健康. 我们将把前几波对已为人父母的受战争影响青年的行为评估和观察与第四波增加的关于其亲密伴侣和亲生子女的数据联系起来.

Publications & Media

Principal Investigator

Project Support

美国国家心理健康太阳城官网所(NIMH)为该项目提供了第五波后续数据. The current NIMH funded study is an R01.


Caritas Freetown, Kenema General Hospital, Tulane University, Vanderbilt University, University of Makeni.


Kashiya Nwanguma
Program Manager

Based in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Facts & Figures

