Minor in 全球公共卫生和共同利益

Our courses are open to students from across 太阳城网赌平台 和 are designed to introduce students in any field of study to core concepts in public health.


Students have the opportunity to delve deeply into epidemiology, 公共卫生的核心科学, 和 to pursue coursework 和 research in diverse areas of public health such as infectious disease epidemiology, 癌症的流行病学, 儿童环境卫生, 环境流行病学, 营养流行病学和难民健康.  






Opportunities for academic 和 experiential learning, reflection 和 service.

Strong emphasis on the ethical 和 moral foundations of public health 


The minor in 全球公共卫生和共同利益 will prepare students for postgraduate studies in public health (MPH 和 PhD). And because public health is highly interdisciplinary 和 intersects many fields of human endeavor, the minor is open also to students interested in 法律, 经济学, 国际太阳城官网, 数学, 物理, 化学, 人文学科, 业务, 社会工作及教育.
The minor consists of 3 required courses 和 3 electives, for a total of 18学分. 

The minor in 全球公共卫生和共同利益 is composed of 3 required courses 和 3 electives.


  • Public Health in a 全球 Society (PHCG1210, cross-listed as NURS1210)
  • Introduction to 流行病学 (PHCG2120) or (NURS9720 with CSON 和 GPHCG Dept. 许可)
  • Either 全球 Public Health Law (PHCG2130) or The Ethics of 全球公共卫生和共同利益 (PHCG3223, 交叉上市为THEO3223)

Recognizing that public health is an diverse field that draws insights 和 technologies from many disciplines, the approved electives span a wide range of schools 和 departments across 太阳城网赌平台. Additional courses at 太阳城网赌平台 和 in other institutions in the United States 和 overseas may be may be considered as approved electives subject to the approval of the program director 和 Associate Deans.

为选修课, CSON Nursing students must take NURS4260 和 NURS4261 和 these both count as List A electives. CSON Nursing students must take one more elective 和 it must be a List B elective. All other students must choose three electives, at least one of which must be from List B.

  • A表中的两门选修课程
  • 必须选至少一门B类选修课吗


The goal of the minor in 全球公共卫生和共同利益 is to introduce students from a wide range of majors, disciplines 和 schools across 太阳城网赌平台 to key concepts in 全球 Public Health. 课程毕业生将获得以下知识:

  • The theory, history 和 key issues in 全球 Public Health
  • 流行病学, the study of the distribution 和 determinants of health 和 disease  in populations – the core  science of public health
  • The social, economic 和 environmental determinants of health 和 disease
  • The contributions of public health to the stability 和 well-being of modern societies
  • The moral, ethical 和 legal foundations of 全球 Public Health

The minor is open to students interested in medicine, 牙科, 护理, 环境卫生和公共卫生. It will prepare students for postgraduate studies in public health 和 enrich the education of students headed to medicine, 牙科, 护理, 法律, 经济学, 国际太阳城官网, 数学, 物理, 化学, 人文学科, 业务, 社会工作及教育. 

The acceptance to the 全球 Public Health 和 the Common Good program is by application, 在每年的一月份举行. The best way to stay informed of all things related to the 全球 Public Health program, 是订阅我们的时事通讯.

Admittance to the major 和 minor in 全球公共卫生和共同利益 is by application.  Students can 应用 in the Spring semester of either their freshman or sophomore year. Rising seniors will be considered only if they have already fulfilled many of the course requirements for the minor.

We seek a broad range of students from programs 和 schools across 太阳城网赌平台 to 应用.

  • We invite pre-health 和 护理 students who wish to underst和 how the health of populations informs the care of individual patients.
  • 我们邀请人文学科的学生, 业务, 经济学, 环境科学, 法律系的, 政治科学, 国际太阳城官网 和 other majors who wish to learn how the health of populations 和 the social, 政治, economic 和 environmental determinants of health 和 disease influence public policy, 带动经济增长, 塑造国家的命运.

Students who wish to 应用 to the program are encouraged to take Public Health in a 全球 Society (NURS1210 cross-listed as PHCG1210) before 应用ing. This course is open to students in all schools at 太阳城网赌平台, 但申请该项目并不需要.

请联系 publichealth@uc1112.com 有任何关于申请的问题.


Because of their merit 和 passion for public health, GPHCG Student Ambassadors have been selected to represent the program at BC 和 beyond. It is their job to lead the next generation of public health professionals 和 help create meaningful impact in their communities.




student-run organizations dedicated to key issues in 全球 Public Health


Students are invited to learn about our research 和 to become involved in projects of significant importance to modern societies.

Areas of major research interest within the program are:

  • 流行病的蔓延
  • 营养与健康.
  • 污染和气候变化对健康的影响; 
  • The ethical 和 legal foundations of public health