2023 trends

2023 Trends: One Size Does Not Fit All

Tina Lawler McHugh

Senior Research Associate

Published February 6, 2023


In 2023, one size does not fit all when it comes to developing talent, managing new ways of working, and supporting employee well-being


弹性工作制将继续存在,这是领导者和管理者试图重建公司文化的关键策略,可以吸引和留住需要的人才. 员工对以人为本的工作场所的期望仍然很高,这种工作场所优先考虑福利和对DEI倡议的承诺. Economic uncertainty, demands for transparency, and a boom in data analytics together will challenge and enable employers to craft, measure, 以及正确的策略,既能提升员工体验,又能提高绩效.

In the new year, 我们预计以下趋势将占主导地位,并将与我们的BC劳动力圆桌会议成员合作,帮助他们驾驭不断变化的工作场所.

  • Amid economic uncertainty yet low unemployment, employers are focused on talent acquisition, skill-building, and redeploying internal talent. 

  • Flexible work is a key strategy for engaging employees and achieving DEIB objectives.

  • 在压力和倦怠持续高水平的情况下,幸福仍然是优先考虑的问题. 

  • Employers are utilizing data to segment their workforce, personalize benefits, and customize the employee experience like never before. 

  • As linchpins of a dispersed workforce, managers need increased training and support. 


Amid economic uncertainty yet low unemployment, employers are focused on talent acquisition, skill-building, and redeploying internal talent.

尽管有放缓的迹象,但高通胀和潜在的经济衰退对雇主来说是一个很大的威胁. Yet talent shortages persist, driven by continued high turnover (especially among Gen Z) and demographics shifts. According to the 2022-23 SHRM State of the Workplace report, 近四分之三的组织计划在2023年扩大员工队伍, with Talent Acquisition (TA) seeing the biggest budget increases. 

In addition, employers are turning to “quiet hiring” or “re-recruiting” internal talent to develop in-demand skills and engage and retain workers. According to Microsoft’s recent global hybrid work survey, 如果在公司内部换工作更容易,三分之二的员工会在公司待得更久. As such, 内部人才市场和对学习和发展的投资,以重新培训和提高员工的技能,预计将成为关键的劳动力规划工具. 


Flexible work is a key strategy for engaging employees and achieving DEIB objectives.

With the help of people analytics, organizations are beginning to recognize the connection between flexibility, engagement, and more diverse talent pools. In a Gallup study of hybrid work, 超过90%具备远程办公能力的员工表示,他们不想全职回到办公室工作,如果公司不提供远程办公的灵活性,十分之三的混合型员工“极有可能跳槽”. Moreover, 近一半(46%)的混合型员工在他们的团队(而不是他们的经理或高层领导)共同制定混合型工作政策时,会投入到工作中.

A McKinsey study found that several traditionally underrepresented groups - Black, LGBQ+, women, 残疾员工对混合工作表现出更强的偏好,如果没有混合工作,他们更有可能离开. A corollary is LinkedIn’s data,该报告显示,黑人女性中远程职位的确认雇佣人数显著增加(27%).5%) and Latinas (14%) from January 2019 - October 2022. 

As leaders seek to rebuild culture in the new workplace, flexible work is also foundational to productivity and a sense of belonging. According to the Fall 2022 Future Forum pulse survey, 工作时间灵活的员工的生产力提高了29%,52%的人表示他们的公司文化在过去两年中有所改善. 值得注意的是,在所有种族/族裔群体中,美国黑人员工的归属感和整体工作场所满意度得分最高.  



Despite the ebb of the pandemic, the incidence of serious mental health issues like depression and anxiety 仍然处于危机水平,工作场所仍然是压力和 burnout. According to Mental Health America, 五分之四的员工在工作中感到情绪低落,78%的人认为工作压力会导致其他心理健康问题. Future Forum Pulse Survey data reveals that 43% of desk workers say they are burned out, including: women reporting 32% more burnout than men; younger workers (18-29 year-olds) reporting 29% more burnout than older workers; and middle managers at highest risk for burnout of all job levels (43%).

In October 2022, the US Surgeon General issued a Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being, 强调“领导者有责任和独特的机会创造支持员工健康和福祉的工作环境”.” And workers agree. In a Employee Benefits Research Institute 2022 Wellness Survey, 四分之三的员工认为,他们的雇主有责任确保员工心理健康和情绪良好(77%), healthy and physically well (74%), and financially secure and well (66%).

Employers are responding, 三分之二的美国雇主计划在未来三年内将员工的心理健康列为三大医疗保健重点之一, according to a Willis Towers Watson survey. Key strategies include: manager training on behavioral health; partnering with employee resource groups to address population-specific mental health issues; expanding digital health supports; and expanding culturally competent provider networks.


Employers are utilizing data to segment their workforce, personalize benefits, and customize the employee experience like never before.

日益多样化的劳动力意味着雇主正在评估他们的福利公平程度, inclusive and provide adequate choice. According to Mercer’s Health & Benefit Strategies for 2023, 70%的雇主计划在2023年提高福利,以解决多方面的差距, 包括:为低收入工人提供更多负担得起的医疗计划和财政援助, specialized behavioral health support for underserved racial and ethnic groups, family-building and mental health supports for the LGBTQ+ population, and enhanced coverage for people with disabilities. 

Among BCCWF Roundtable members, caregivers are a priority yet many fly under the radar in what has been described as “quiet caregiving.“照护者的责任往往是无形的,并且根据所需照护的类型而有很大差异, e.g. 照顾小孩,照顾老人,或照顾有特殊需要的家属. 

In order to anticipate and meet the needs of each employee more effectively, employers are going beyond population data, segmenting employees by life stage, preferences and demographics. 但由于担心隐私以及来自供应商和内部来源的高度不同的数据,要全面了解这一问题仍然是一个挑战, according to a Fidelity survey. 那些能够利用“感知和预测”员工需求的分析——以及帮助员工找到解决方案的强大沟通策略——应该会看到利用率的提高, lower costs, and enhanced well-being.


As linchpins of a dispersed workforce, managers need increased training and support.

As organizations embrace flexible and hybrid work models more permanently, they are struggling with how to implement them equitably, manage the in-office experience, and embed culture beyond the physical space of an office. Moreover, hybrid work often translates to collaboration overload, social isolation and increased work demands, and is exacerbating - rather than improving - stress and burnout. Managers’ roles and soft skills are more important than ever.

事实上,管理者现在被认为是最值得信赖的信息和联系来源. According to Gartner, 60%的混合型员工表示,他们的直接上司是与他们互动的人中对公司文化影响最大的人. 但管理人员感到“受到挤压”,没有准备好应对远程工作和员工“缺乏联系”的双重压力, with 59% saying they need to be better at balancing multiple stakeholder interests. 

为了留住管理者——以及那些依赖于他们的人——组织必须关注他们的发展, give them room to grow, and recognize that their role in connecting with employees is essential, as Erica Kerwin suggests. Increased training in areas like behavioral health, psychological safety and managing hybrid/remote workers 这是一个积极的信号,将使管理者在不断变化的工作场所成为重要的文化大使.


To read the full trends piece, click here.


Image source: Linkedin