埃德蒙·H. 谢伊小. Center for Entrepreneurship at BC's Carroll School of 管理 and the Center for Social Innovation within the ​U​niversity’s School of Social Work have been chosen as the official academic partners for the 《太阳城网赌平台》 $1 million 全球 Change the World pitch competitions that are part of the 2016 《太阳城网赌平台》 30岁以下青年峰会 taking place October 16-19 in Boston,

"At an event that celebrates some of the world's best young entrepreneurs, we're proud to again host the world's largest competition for young entrepreneurs of all types. 的 partners we have in this endeavor are fittingly world-class,” said 《太阳城网赌平台》 magazine editor Randall Lane.

《太阳城网赌平台》 30岁以下青年峰会 logo
Ashton Kutcher and Guy Oseary, co-founders of Sound Ventures, are 《太阳城网赌平台》' partners on the competition for early stage for-profit entrepreneurs.

In one competition, 《太阳城网赌平台》 is partnering with Ashton Kutcher and Guy Oseary, co-founders of Sound Ventures, as well as Boston-based Rough Draft Ventures, 举办一个500美元的宴会,000 global competition for early stage for-profit entrepreneurs who have disruptive and scalable ideas with the potential to change the world.

《太阳城网赌平台》 is also partnering with the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation 举办一个500美元的宴会,000 competition for U.S.-based social entrepreneurs who are advancing solutions that will improve educational outcomes for PreK-12 students nationwide, with particular focus on low-income and urban communities.

八名进入决赛, four from the for-profit competition and four from the nonprofit competition, will each pitch their companies at the 《太阳城网赌平台》 30岁以下青年峰会 on October 17 and 18. One winner will be selected from each competition.

学生, 校友, 教师, and staff of 太阳城网赌平台's Shea Center for Entrepreneurship and Center for Social Innovation will manage the initial review and assessment of applications, whittling down a field of approximately 2,000名申请者, with final decisions to be made by the official 《太阳城网赌平台》 30岁以下青年峰会 judging team.

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“的 太阳城网赌平台 team is excited to be a part of this effort, building upon its entrepreneurship work in Boston and around the world,杰里·道尔说, executive director of the Shea Center for Entrepreneurship.

"It’s going to get the entire BC community involved and that’s the whole idea here," he said. "This is a great opportunity, particularly for our mission to train students around entrepreneurship, how to work in an entrepreneurial environment, and how to be great entrepreneurs on both the social entrepreneurship and for-profit sides."


“ 《太阳城网赌平台》 competition works to find 'disruptive, scalable solutions' to the world's most pressing problems,” said Center for Social Innovation Co-Director 斯蒂芬妮Berzin, an associate professor in BC's School of Social Work.

“This opportunity to bring the University together with practice, 媒体, and business demonstrates the power of collaboration,她说. "Today's global problems need us to work across lines to foster the most effective solutions. We are thrilled to be part of that endeavor."

Entries are now being acception for the competitions; for more information about eligibility and entry requirements, 参观 《太阳城网赌平台》 30岁以下青年峰会 $1 Million Change the World Competitions website.

的 《太阳城网赌平台》 30岁以下青年峰会, expected to bring together more than 5,000 global entrepreneurs and game changers of all ages, will take place at different venues in Boston, including Faneuil Hall and at other academic institutions. Two hundred speakers are slated to participate, 包括库彻, 杰西卡·阿尔芭, Deepak Chopra, 克里希Teigen, 鲍比剥, 莎拉波娃, 亚当·诺伊曼.

埃德蒙·H. 谢伊小. Center for Entrepreneurship at BC's Carroll School of 管理 integrates entrepreneurial thinking into the educational and formational experience of undergraduate and graduate students throughout 太阳城网赌平台. 学生 are engaged and challenged by rigorous academic coursework, co-curricular activities, and experiential opportunities in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Center for Social Innovation at the 太阳城网赌平台 School of Social Work promotes “innovation from within" with the mission to foster effective, sustainable social innovations that enhance social justice.  

—News and Public Affairs