A global spotlight is on Boston College this summer, 在七月底和八月初,理大举办了四场大型国际会议,探讨耶稣会和天主教教育在解决紧迫的现代问题方面的遗产和作用.


•天主教太阳城官网型大学战略联盟(SACRU)的学院和大学校长将于7月30日举行首次正式会议。, 致力于卓越太阳城官网和教学的领先天主教大学的国际网络, engagement, and global collaboration.

•The International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “The Jesuits and the Church in History,将于8月1日至4日举行,由不列颠哥伦比亚省高级耶稣会太阳城官网所主办.

•国际耶稣会大学协会(IAJU)举行2022年大会, “Discerning the Future of Jesuit Higher Education,” from August 3-6.

BC也是国际耶稣会工程学院协会(IAJES)峰会的举办地, “Jesuit Engineering Vision for a Better World,” which took place July 13-15.

波士顿大学在短短几周内举办了五次独立的耶稣会或天主教会议,这突显了太阳城网赌平台在耶稣会和天主教教育中发挥领导作用的重要国际会议中的存在, according to University administrators.

“This summer, 太阳城网赌平台的全球参与在栗山和世界各地的耶稣会和天主教高等教育机构中得到了显著体现,” said Vice Provost for Global Engagement James F. Keenan, S.J.他也是加尼修斯神学教授和耶稣会太阳城官网所主任.  “我们的领导和主办能力现在得到了这个雄心勃勃的项目的证明,这个项目是由[大学校长]威廉·P. Leahy, S.J.  Significantly, BC最重要的是通过先后安排IFCU和IAJU的组装. Their mutual engagement ought to have lasting effect.”

Underscoring this historic occasion, the IFCU, IAJU, 和耶稣会太阳城官网会议将于8月3日在波士顿大主教肖恩·奥马利(Sean O 'Malley)的主持下举行弥撒, O.F.M., Cap.

International Federation of Catholic Universities logo

由世界各地超过226所天主教大学和高等教育机构组成, the IFCU holds its general assembly every three years, 为其附属机构提供一个独特的机会,以参与和反思重要的学术和教会主题.

The 2022 assembly theme, 变革世界中的遗产与转型:天主教高等教育与未来,反映了大会的任务,即考虑天主教大学如何履行其使命, research, and serve communities and the Catholic Church in ways that promote a greater good. Highlighting its schedule are a series of discussions that focus on a single theme: “Intellectual Tradition and Catholic Universities Today”; “Global Crises and Catholic University Collaboration”; “The Impact of Catholic Higher Education: Compelling Testimonials”; “Catholicism and New University Leadership”; and “From Local Voices to Global Design.”

Sacred Alliance of Catholic Research Universities logo

太阳城网赌平台和澳大利亚天主教大学是sacu的八个创始成员之一, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Sophia University (Japan), Universdade Católica Portuguesa, Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy), 以及西班牙Ramon Llul大学——它寻求利用其合作伙伴的资源和知识来实现共同利益, and “contribute to the development of a brand beyond its walls.”

SACRU的优先事项包括加强数字时代信仰与理性之间的联系, promoting global education, accelerating interdisciplinary education and research, and contributing to knowledge and technological transfer. 7月30日的成员机构主席会议将制定一些额外的目标和战略.

The International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, which began in 2015, brings together a diverse community of scholars to cross thematic, chronological, and disciplinary boundaries. 2022年的研讨会将探讨耶稣会与天主教会关系的许多方面, all within the global contexts in which the Jesuit mission grew and operated.

Fr. Leahy and University Secretary Casey Beaumier, S.J., director of the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, will offer greetings on the opening day, prior to the keynote address by historian Pierre-Antoine Fabre, director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, and University of Turin theologian Franco Motta. Each day features two concurrent panel discussions and a plenary session, 考察诸如“传教地区的基金会:耶稣会士和地方神职人员”等主题,” “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Jesuit Missions to China,” “The Jesuits and Politics in the Early Modern Church,” “Jesuit Universities as Catholic Institutions in the Global, Contemporary Context,” and “The Jesuit and the Church: Trajectories and Perspectives.”

International Association of Jesuit Universities logo

IAJU, an association of Jesuit, Catholic universities and institutes of higher education founded in 2018, 是耶稣会高等教育秘书处的国际咨询和协调机构, through him, 耶稣会总会长和他在高等教育和知识使徒方面的助手. 其成员大学和机构代表耶稣会:非洲的六个地区, East Asia, South Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America.

Fr. Leahy will deliver a keynote address at the conference, which will feature presentations by IAJU task forces on global citizenship, migration, reconciliation and peace, environmental sustainability and economic justice, and theology in the Jesuit university. 会议还将以“重塑商业教育”为主题进行小组讨论,” “Best Practices in Mission Integration and Formation,” and “Developing a Laudato Si’ University Plan.“在闭幕活动中,将有六个亚联区域协会主席的报告和讲话.

Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies logo

The IAJES Summit, which took place at 245 Beacon Street, BC’s new state-of-the-art science facility, featured keynotes by BC School of Social Work Dean Gautam Yadama, Assistant Professor of Engineering Ali Salifu, and Mike H.M. 卡罗尔管理学院信息系统助理教授Teodorescu说. David Moinina Sengeh, 基础和高中教育部长兼塞拉利昂政府首席创新官, also spoke.

会议的其他亮点包括Glenn Gaudette教授主持的互动式参与式会议, the inaugural Kozarich Chair of BC’s Engineering Department; collaborative working sessions; two reflection sessions led by Fr. Keenan; and a closing meeting with the current Society of Jesus Higher Education Secretary Joseph Christie, S.J. Fifty-five attendees representing 23 institutions attended the summit in person.

太阳城网赌平台很荣幸被选中主办这次重要的峰会, given the fact that our Engineering Department is barely a year old,” said Sunanda Bhattacharya, associate vice provost for design and innovation strategies at BC, who presented an introduction at the summit opening.

有关这些耶稣会和天主教会议的信息和链接可在全球参与网站的“BC世界”部分找到, uc1112.com/global.

Sean Smith | University Communications | July 2022