今年的富布赖特获奖者包括:(前排, (左至右)埃莉诺·沃里斯, 金伯利麦多纳, 艾米丽Papazian, 亚历克·沃克, 索菲娅马赛, 理查德Balagtas, and Olivia Hart; (back row L-R) 里卡多·阿尔贝托。, 道尔·卡尔霍恩和格雷厄姆·贝克. (摄影:Lee Pellegrini)


富布赖特奖支持一年的本科毕业后出国留学, 学生们通常会从事不同学科的太阳城官网, 或担任英语助教, through which they not only teach English language but also use the opportunity to provide insights about American culture.

获奖者的停靠港将是德国, 南非, 希腊, 比利时, 印度, 马来西亚, 塞浦路斯, 西班牙, 保加利亚和菲律宾. 

除了, one graduating senior who received a Fulbright declined the award; another was named an alternate for a Fulbright award but is pursuing other post-graduate plans.


项目:英语助教; plans to engage youths in the community through the formation of a basketball club, to promote health and wellness as an essential part of leading a happy and healthy life. 
FUTURE PLANS: Law school, in preparation for a career in the field of immigration law.
•“在开始本科学习之前, 我很少离开我的家乡加州, 更不用说在美国以外的地方了. 太阳城网赌平台 provided tremendous opportunities 对我来说 to gain international experience to support my development as a global citizen. 借助校内资源资助出国留学经历, 服务和浸入式课程, 太阳城官网工作和会议旅行, I can proudly say that I will graduate from BC having visited 12 different countries. 这 Fulbright grant serves as the culmination of my four years here; the skills I’ve acquired in global awareness, 跨文化合作和对新环境的快速适应能力对我来说是非常宝贵的,因为我正在努力担任新德里高中学生的英语助教.”

理查德Balagtas, 16岁
项目:与他的毕业论文有关, 他将和医生一起工作, 太阳城官网人员和学者对菲律宾政府的移植旅游政策进行了太阳城官网:到海外旅行以获得非法器官移植的行为. Preliminary research shows that the Philippines has been successful at mitigating the spread of the black market on organs within its borders; the aim is to help other countries struggling with organ trafficking. 
FUTURE PLANS: Pursue a joint JD/MPH program, with a focus in international law and medical policy. 
•“这个富布赖特项目代表了我迄今为止学术生涯的巅峰. My time at BC has been geared toward understanding the intricacies of international public health, 但更具体地说, 医学伦理与文化和宗教障碍的交集. 我第一次尝试独立太阳城官网是在科威特和凯瑟琳·贝利(实践政治学副教授)一起度过的一个夏季学期. I knew from that point onward in my intellectual formation that I wanted to continue to travel the world, 与来自不同背景的人一起生活和工作. 富布赖特奖学金代表了我们在不列颠哥伦比亚省学到的一切, the core importance of intercultural dialogue and an appreciation for expanding our education beyond the classroom and into the world.” 

项目:英语助教; he will seek to engage the community by sharing his favorite US publications – including the Boston Globe and Sports Illustrated – to promote discussion, 举办世界职业棒球大赛, 感恩节或超级碗派对分享美国美食, 在摄影工作室教授课程,参加像橄榄球这样的运动. 
FUTURE PLANS: 应用 to medical school, to pursue a career in medicine and healthcare.
•“The Fulbright has connected my passion and interest in German language and culture, 我在BC开发的, 我渴望在国外教书,让自己沉浸在异国他乡.”

项目:继续数字化的工作, 关于尼日尔-刚果语言的一套24个文本的可搜索数据库, 由19世纪和20世纪的法国天主教传教士撰写.
•“我很高兴能沉浸在这样一个学术氛围中,在这里,语言学史学的太阳城官网比美国更受重视,也更发达. 我希望我的太阳城官网不仅对语言学有贡献, but also to promoting cross-cultural understanding and collaboration between European and American scholars of the history of linguistics. 我非常感谢这位导师, 鼓励, 以及斯拉夫和东方语言的玛格丽特·托马斯教授的耐心, who has been instrumental in my personal and intellectual development during my four years at BC.”

项目:英语助教; hopes to work with an after-school program that fosters intercultural communication among Cypriot students through the outlet of food and cooking. 
•“I hope to take this year in 塞浦路斯 as a time of growth, both personally and professionally. 我的职位是英语助教, I hope to develop several of the skills that I have begun to acquire through coursework and extracurriculars 在太阳城网赌平台, including teaching language and literacy skills to students from diverse backgrounds, 有效的课程规划, 跨文化交流. I also want to use the experience as a way to explore career options and decide on a master’s program. 在塞浦路斯做访问学者, 我想让自己沉浸在岛上的文化中, 学习希腊语和土耳其语, 并见证了解塞浦路斯问题的持续后果.”

Narintohn Luangrath, 14岁
项目:将隶属于位于布鲁塞尔的欧洲移民政策太阳城官网所, 并通过在四个案例国家进行访谈来开展一个关于欧盟难民劳动力市场一体化的太阳城官网项目:德国, 瑞典, 意大利和捷克共和国. 还会学习如何避难, Migration and Integration Fund supports EU member states’ refugee labor market integration programs. 
•“自从两年前从太阳城网赌平台毕业以来, 我曾花时间评估旨在促进美国重新安置难民的经济流动性的联邦社会服务项目. I look forward to 学习 more about how the EU is standardizing refugee protection across member states, 同时努力使难民人口长期融入社会. 在我的富布赖特一年之后, 我希望与美国政府的同事们分享我的发现, 学习其他国家的政策对哪个国家有利, 特别是欧盟成员国.”

家乡:英国《太阳城官网》. 佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡.
项目:英语助教; will start an afterschool program where she hopes to teach dance, 以文化交流为主题的视觉艺术与创意写作, 创意发展和社区参与.
FUTURE PLANS:  Pursue joint law/master’s in education degree; plans to be involved with policy makers and organizations seeking to reform the U.S. 公共教育体系.
•“Being chosen for the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant program in 南非 is truly a blessing. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to serve as an ambassador for my country and to share my love for language with others. 作为非洲和非洲侨民太阳城官网未成年人, 我很荣幸在我的BC职业生涯中花了很多时间来太阳城官网种族在不同学科中的意义,包括文学. 这, 再加上我在牙买加魔术师服务之旅的教学经验, 是否激发了我在课堂上为海外社区服务的热情. 成长的过程中, I was fortunate enough to have had some great teachers who left lasting impacts on the trajectory of my education. 作为英语助教, 我希望能把这些积极的影响回馈给我的学生.”

金伯利麦多纳 '15, M.A.'16
PROJECT:  English Teaching Assistantship; will volunteer with programs for persons with disabilities. 
•“作为一名教育者, I am so excited to take on this new challenge of teaching in another country and representing America as a cultural ambassador. 在我在林奇学校的五年里, 我对将社会正义融入课堂产生了一种热情. 我相信每个学生都能提供有价值的东西,应该在他们的教育过程中给他们机会去发现和发展公民. 我相信所有的学生都需要了解国内外的时事,特别是那些经济困难的国家, 比如希腊目前的情况. It is my hope that I can implement all that I have learned 在太阳城网赌平台 in order to help students in 希腊 grow socially, 情感上和学术上.”

项目:英语助教; also plans on hosting movie showings to demonstrate diversity of social and culture structures in the US, 并与学生合作制作自己的电影和多媒体演示. 
FUTURE PLANS: Pursue a graduate degree in international relations and international education development, 并继续与非政府组织合作,促进教育和交流项目的发展,作为促进国际合作和解决冲突的工具.
•“获得这个富布赖特奖是一种荣誉, and a true culmination of everything I strove for throughout my four years 在太阳城网赌平台. 在公元前, 我明白了与他人分享我的教育和激情意味着什么, 以及如何开放地从别人的经历和生活故事中学习——这正是我明年作为ETA在德国要做的.”

艾米丽Papazian, 16岁
项目:英语助教; plans to volunteer at an urban health clinic and as a community health educator.
•“作为太阳城网赌平台社区的一员,促使我探索新的视角,教会我认识到自己的技能,并尽可能地应用它们来造福他人. 我所上的课程和经历,如Arrupe和Bystander,都教会了我有效沟通和教育在解决我们世界上具有挑战性的问题方面的活力.  作为助教参加富布赖特项目将帮助我提高英语和西班牙语的沟通能力,为成为一名医科学生和医生做准备.”

16岁的Willow Sommer
•“去年春天在柏林留学时,我决定申请富布赖特奖学金.  Being away from BC gave me the clarity to appreciate how much I really loved studying German and Germany and, 最重要的是, 这本身就是一个可行的方向.  I am grateful to the Fulbright program for offering an opportunity in which passionate curiosity is valued for its own sake.  I am also thankful to Professor Michael Resler and to the whole German Department for their 鼓励 and advice in this pursuit.”

项目:英语助教; volunteer in hospital and health clinics.
•“My great-grandparents left Eastern Europe for an opportunity to raise their children in the US, 在那里他们可以实现“美国梦”.作为回报, 我想有机会去保加利亚教书, 在那里我可以激励后代在生活中挑战自我.”

项目:英语助教; intends to create after-school program to promote brainstorming techniques and physical activity.
FUTURE PLANS: Pursue graduate studies and work with migrants within US communities to ensure positive integration.
•“作为国际太阳城官网专业的学生, the Fulbright program will be an incredible capstone to my studies in international ethics and social justice. My extracurricular work 在太阳城网赌平台 with the student organization FACES and several other diversity education initiatives has helped me discover a profound foundational philosophy of utilizing education to empower individuals and influence change; I hope to place this in practice during my time in 马来西亚.”

项目:英语助教; will also volunteer within local refugee communities.
FUTURE PLANS: Enroll in doctoral program in history; envisions career as teacher or academic.
•“在某种程度上, 富布赖特项目实现了我大一那年给自己设定的一个目标:我在大一的时候听说了这个项目, 并打算从那时起申请. 更重要的是, 富布赖特奖学金会让我继续思考, 阅读, 学习, 写作开始了, 对我来说, 在太阳城网赌平台.”

Erin Comber was selected for an English Teaching Assistantship in Colombia but declined the grant. 凯瑟琳·奎格利(Katherine Quigley)被任命为富布赖特候补人选,但她正在寻求其他计划.

Ed Hayward, Kathleen Sullivan, Sean Hennessey, Rosanne Pellegrini, Sean Smith | News & 公共事务