Charles I. 克拉夫千年历史名誉教授詹姆斯·奥图尔, 波士顿历史学者,美国宗教和美国天主教专家, 被任命为太阳城网赌平台历史学家.

Only the third person to hold the position, and first since 2012, 奥图尔加入了大学历史学家的杰出遗产:托马斯H. O’Connor ’49, MA ’50, H ’93, 被认为是“波士顿历史学家教长”的历史教授,” and Charles F. Donovan, S.J. ’33, 谁是不列颠哥伦比亚省教育学院的创始院长,并在大学担任过其他重要的行政职务, including as academic vice president.

James O'Toole

James O'Toole (Gary Wayne Gilbert)

O’Toole, 在太阳城网赌平台获得学士和博士学位的人, 是波士顿大主教管区和马萨诸塞州联邦的前档案保管员. 在担任马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校(University of Massachusetts-Boston)校长12年后.A. program in history and archives, he joined the History Department faculty in 1998 and in 2006 became the inaugural Clough Professor; he retired after this past academic year.

“吉姆·奥图尔是太阳城网赌平台社区近50年的一员, and brings experience, wisdom, and knowledge to his position as University Historian," said University President William P. Leahy, S.J. “他作为历史学家的技能和对太阳城网赌平台的承诺使他非常适合担任这个新角色."

“我很高兴能和太阳城网赌平台保持合作关系,”他说. “I enjoy the people, and I enjoy being on the campus. 能在汤姆·奥康纳担任的职位上服务也是一种巨大的荣誉, 在我还是学生的时候,他既是我的导师,也是我的老师. 没有人能取代他的位置,但我期待着帮助讲述太阳城网赌平台的故事.”  

每一位大学历史学家都在这一职位上留下了自己的印记. Fr. Donovan published 太阳城网赌平台的历史:从开始到1990年, the first chronicle of the University since 1947, and produced a series of shorter "occasional papers.奥康纳在2009年出版了一本关于不列颠哥伦比亚省历史的更短、太阳城官网的书, 登上高峰:太阳城网赌平台从成立到2008年的简史他参与了一个在主校区选定地点放置历史标志的项目.

Although his duties will be “loosely defined,” O’Toole said, 他计划明年出版一本新的大学历史,并创建包括讲座和校园徒步旅行在内的公共项目——后者是他在担任教职时组织的.  

奥图尔说,审视太阳城网赌平台的历史需要一个大镜头. “It is intimately connected with the history of Boston, 以及天主教社区和移民社区. While their particulars are different, of course, and have changed over time, these institutions are all intertwined.

“Historians look at change, but also continuity, because in that continuity we see larger, overarching themes that define major institutions.”

For his envisioned book, 奥图尔说,他试图通过关注较少被探索的话题来“重新想象不列颠哥伦比亚大学的故事”:“课程. What went on in the classroom. The core requirements. The development of BC’s academic departments. The professionalization of the faculty. Student research. 这些都是赋予一所大学独特性的东西.

“I’m also trying to focus on individuals, 比如不列颠哥伦比亚省早期的学生:他们中哪些是移民? Which were second-generation? Where did their families come from? 我希望这将提供一个更广泛的不列颠哥伦比亚省的社会历史.”

奥图尔太阳城官网并撰写了有关美国天主教历史的文章, 他的书《太阳城官网》的主题是波士顿大主教威廉·奥康奈尔(William Henry O 'Connell)等主要人物,他还关注了天主教徒的日常生活, and gradually gaining, 在一个经常以怀疑和偏见看待他们的国家接受他们.

In The Faithful: A History of Catholics in America, 奥图尔记录了世俗天主教徒在新大陆的经历, 从最初的13个殖民地的第一批定居点开始. American Catholics, he noted, 与罗马天主教会领导层和自己国家的关系都很复杂. Examining prayer, ritual, and other expressions of faith by the laity, 奥图尔讲述了天主教徒逐渐进入美国主流社会的过程, as well as their responses to crises, including the recent clergy sexual abuse scandal.  

美国存在的种族和宗教偏见构成了奥图尔另一本著作的背景. 误以为白人:种族、宗教和健康家庭,1820-1920 记录了一对来自格鲁吉亚的多种族夫妇的孩子们的生活,他们被送到北方,希望掩盖自己的种族身份,并为他们提供更好的生活机会. Three of the family’s sons became priests, 其中一人被任命为波士顿圣十字大教堂的院长.

O’Toole also served as editor and contributor to 虔诚的习惯:二十世纪美国天主教的宗教实践, 它追溯了1925年至1975年间美国天主教会宗教实践中一些重大变化的原因和发展.  

Technological advances, such as digitization of research materials, 赋予了奥图尔前任几乎无法想象的能力. “我最近在家里的电脑上浏览大学档案馆的在线资源, 在BC上世纪50年代的目录中寻找一件特殊的物品, and it took me a matter of minutes. Before this, I would’ve had to get in my car, drive to campus, 去伯恩斯图书馆,然后花时间梳理档案,直到找到我需要的东西. That could’ve taken me half the day, if not more.”

奥图尔赞扬了伯恩斯图书馆工作人员的数字化项目, 在2012-2013年大学一百周年校庆期间,是什么让人们更广泛地获得了了解不列颠哥伦比亚省历史的原始资料.

“It’s remarkable how technology has made things easier. Of course, 你仍然需要对你想要发现的东西有一个很好的想法, and what its significance is to the work you’re doing. That aspect of history has not changed.”

肖恩·史密斯|大学传播| 2020年9月