Photos by Lee Pellegrini

Hariharan (Harry) Shanmugam, a member of the Boston College Class of 2021, is driven to use his knowledge, interests, 以及通过解决健康差距和促进公共卫生使社会变得更美好的技能. 5月24日,在太阳城网赌平台第144届毕业典礼上,校长威廉. Leahy, S.J., presented Shanmugam with the Edward H. Finnegan, S.J., Award, 每年颁发给最能体现太阳城网赌平台校训“永远追求卓越”的毕业生.”

A member of the Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program, 尚穆根有着出色的学习成绩,并以最优等的成绩毕业于卡罗尔管理学院, 主修会计、金融和咨询,主修生物学.

The Hopkinton, Mass., 在他高中的最后一年,当他作为加贝利总统学者计划的学生参观校园时,他爱上了不列颠哥伦比亚省.

“I remember being blown away by the people I talked to. 我们在宿舍里熬夜讨论上帝、政治和建筑. 那是典型的大学时光之一,我记得当时在想,‘我想要这个.’

“不列颠哥伦比亚省显然是一个会有人关心我的地方, a real sense of community, mentors who want to see you succeed, and friends who challenge you and make you grow. It’s been borne out every single day I’ve been at BC.”

Hariharan Shanmugam

英国广播公司(bbc)总裁威廉. Leahy, S.J.BC大学校董会主席约翰·菲什(John Fish)在大学毕业典礼上观看.

Shanmugam has combined his interests in medicine and science, business, and policy in his academic work, which includes two published articles and another under review.

作为不列颠哥伦比亚省全球污染观测站的本科生太阳城官网员, 他是一个由来自18个国家的40多名科学家组成的跨学科团队的成员,该团队撰写了一份关于“人类健康与海洋污染”的重要报告.Shanmugam与全球公共卫生主任Philip Landrigan博士合作.D., 和伍兹霍尔海洋太阳城官网所的科学家一起开展了一项关于波士顿港修复带来的健康和经济效益的案例太阳城官网. 他是一篇发表于 Annals of Global Health.

Said Landrigan, “哈里在管理和会计方面的背景使他能够通过计算波士顿港清理的投资回报,为这项努力做出独特的贡献, 这些信息对决策者来说至关重要,因为他们需要了解,像波士顿港清理这样的重大环境修复的巨额前期成本,可以通过重建鱼类和贝类种群等收益来收回许多倍, increased tourism, and improvement in human health and well-being.”

Shanmugam于2019年夏天在墨西哥作为国家公共卫生太阳城官网所的太阳城官网员进行了太阳城官网, in Spanish, on dietary fiber intake and urinary creatinine. He was primary author of an article about the study that was published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

“[Harry] is thoughtful, caring, and deeply committed to making the world a better place,” said Landrigan, who was the advisor for Shanmugam’s senior honors thesis, 太阳城官网了社会经济地位和种族在马萨诸塞州COVID-19疫苗覆盖率中的作用.

作为卑诗大学社会工作学院的本科生太阳城官网员,Summer Hawkins副教授, 他分析了一个数据集,以确定国家药品法规对青少年药物滥用的影响. He is first author of a manuscript currently out for review.

“BC is where I developed my passion for science,” said Shanmugam. “Biology at BC is such a comprehensive, deep dive into science. It’s such a cool major. 我最喜欢的一门课是生物化学——这门课太难了,但它完全改变了我对因果关系的看法, about the way the world works, about science in general. The story of BC, for me, has been this awakening of a love for science, the processes behind it, and a systems-based thinking approach.”

“Harry is one of the greatest thinkers I have ever taught or mentored,” said Assistant Professor of the Practice of Biology Ben Fofana.

“Every single day at BC taught me more and more about who I am, what I value, and the person I want to become. BC gave me confidence and a license to dream big. But, 如果没有把这里当做家的朋友们和希望我成功的教授们,这一切是不可能的."
Finnegan Award winner Harry Shanmugam '21

“I knew I wanted to be a doctor, but I wasn’t exposed to the idea of public health until I came here,” said Shanmugam. “But public health is medicine on a systemic level.”


Since 2018, he has served on Boston’s Ryan White Planning Council, 在那里,他担任一个委员会的主席,该委员会负责确定当地艾滋病毒/艾滋病社区的需求,并拨出数百万美元的联邦资金来支持这些人群. He also is a member of the Boston Public Health Commission, 在那里,他领导制定了一项护理联系计划,旨在将从艾滋病毒诊断到护理提供者外展的时间从几周或几个月缩短到48小时. 他还代表了马萨诸塞州结束艾滋病流行倡议指导委员会的委员会.

尚穆根的校园课外活动包括担任模拟联合国副主席和富尔顿领导力协会的创始成员. For nearly his entire time at BC, Shanmugam自愿成为本科招生办公室信息会议的小组成员.

“他对他人的友善将永远被人们记住,他向高中生展示卑诗大学为他们提供的所有可能性的动力也将永远被人们记住,” said Undergraduate Admission Associate Director Chris O’Brien, who highlighted Shanmugam’s earnestness and honesty. “We don’t replace Student Admission Program members like Harry; we reminisce and smile about them for years after they leave.” 

尚穆根说,他在校园里最喜欢的经历之一是担任学生健康平等论坛的联合主席, which educates students about public health issues through discussions, guest speakers, case competitions, applied public health projects, 并与泰米尔纳德邦的一个基层公共卫生组织建立了伙伴关系, India.

Among his many mentors, Shanmugam认为Landrigan和Hawkins以及BC社区的几位成员在他的形成过程中发挥了重要作用:James Keenan, S.J., and Kathleen Bailey from the Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program, scientists Danielle Taghian and Thomas Chiles, and Ethan Sullivan from the Carroll School.

On the horizon for Shanmugam is a job with Boston Consulting Group, 他将在哪里从事医疗保健和社会影响实践领域的项目. He is applying to medical school as well.

Shanmugam is still teasing out what exactly his career will be, but right now the ideal role for him would combine clinical work, research, and policy work.

“Every single day at BC taught me more and more about who I am, what I value, and the person I want to become. BC gave me confidence and a license to dream big. But, 如果没有把这里当做家的朋友们和希望我成功的教授们,这一切是不可能的. At the end of the day, it comes down to the people at BC.”

Meet the finalists for the 2021 Finnegan Award

Kathleen Sullivan | University Communications | May 2021