今年夏天,BC队将为自己的三名球员加油.S.’10, Briana Provancha ’12 and Annie Haeger ’12, 争夺2016年里约热内卢奥运会的冠军.

The Summer Games, which run from Aug. 5-21, 代表了马洛伊竞技成就的巅峰, Provancha, Haeger, 以及来自世界各地的数千名运动员将在里约与他们会合. 因为他们期待着在各自的运动项目中与最优秀的马洛伊对抗——铁人三项, Provancha和Haeger一起参加了女子470级帆船比赛,这三位太阳城网赌平台的校友都注意到了提供的机会, and the helping hands extended, that brought them to the Olympics.

And they count BC among those influences and factors.

Joe Maloy '08 MS'10
Joe Maloy '08. M.S.'10 will compete in the triathlon in Rio.

“As a BC student, 我了解到,个人成长是一个过程,它与发生在你身上的事情无关,而与你如何应对各种情况有关,” says Maloy, a Somers, N.J., native who was a four-year varsity swimmer at BC while earning his bachelor’s degree in English; he later added a master’s degree in administration from the Woods College in Advancing Studies. “After you get a poor grade on an exam, have a bad race, 或者因为做了违反规定的事而被记录下来, do you make excuses? Do you complain about the circumstances? While at BC, 我知道你可以做这些事情——或者你可以走出去,努力解决那些产生负面结果的行为.  

“‘Ever to Excel’ is not about succeeding all the time.  没有人会这样做,而期待它是不合理的.  它是关于每天都比前一天做得更好一点.  你在亲人的支持下完成这项工作,他们可以让你在困难时期依靠,在快乐的时候和你一起庆祝. The journey is only meaningful because it is shared.”

一段共同的旅程描述了普罗旺查和黑格去往里约的路. 两人是不列颠哥伦比亚省帆船队的成员,两人都感谢帆船教练格雷格·威尔金森的指导和支持,并形成了一种持久的纽带. 

“My years at BC taught me how to be a good teammate, and a lot about communication,” says Provancha, 他是圣地亚哥人,毕业于卡罗尔管理学院. “Annie and I have such a great relationship. 我们对彼此都很好,这极大地帮助了我们的表现. 我们不仅在事情进展顺利的时候互相支持, but when things just seem to be falling apart. 这项技能无疑帮助我们在比赛过程中度过了一些艰难的情况.”

Briana Provancha ’12 and Annie Haeger ’12,
校友Briana Provancha和Annie Haeger将一起参加女子470级帆船比赛.

Haeger, a Carroll School alumna from Lake Forest, Ill., agrees. “作为老鹰队运动项目的一员,教会了我如何加速我对帆船的热爱,成为一个更好的队友和运动员. Access to some of the best trainers, sports med, 导师和教练搭建了一个只会通向成功的平台, and this allowed Briana and me to excel quickly. It’s a lesson that we still hold today.”

Maloy never visited BC before he applied, 但还是被这所大学的校训和制度价值观所吸引. 学校对个人成长和个人赋权的承诺在我太阳城网赌平台前与游泳教练汤姆·格罗登(Tom Groden)的谈话中得到了呼应. 一旦我被录取了,我就毫不犹豫地选择了太阳城网赌平台.”  

在不列颠哥伦比亚省,马洛伊找到了一个培养和激励他的社区. 除了格罗登——“他告诉我,要成为一名优秀的运动员,需要从内心开始,然后努力向外发展”——马洛伊还引用了英语教师罗伯特·法雷尔作为导师, S.J., and Bonnie Rudner, 伍兹高级太阳城官网学院的教员Cathy Utzschneider说, and Senior Associate Athletic Director Jody Mooradian. 

He also thinks of “countless lifelong friends, my teammates from the swim team, the crew who went to Mass at 10:15 p.m. in Lower Dining Hall, and plenty of others. 在他们的指导、支持和友谊下,我成长为今天的我.”    

BC用更实际的方法为马洛伊准备铁人三项, too: In addition to competing on the swim team, 他在弗林娱乐中心(Flynn Recreation Complex)教授动感单车课程,还在栗山水库(Chestnut Hill Reservoir)周围跑了几圈.

“最困难的部分是弄清楚如何将三项全能运动的三个组成部分整合到一起,” he says. “Learning to master anything is a process, 弄清楚各个学科如何在比赛中相互作用的细微差别是最具挑战性的.”

普罗旺查和黑格通过不同的路线开始航海. Provancha在8岁时通过一位家庭朋友接触到这项运动:“我喜欢在水里,也喜欢结交朋友. The yacht club environment is a special one. 我有一些最好的朋友是和我一起学航海长大的.”

For Haeger, sailing on Wisconsin’s Lake Beulah was a tradition in her father’s family going back five generations; her dad “sparked my interest and helped guide me along the way. 我妈妈一直是我在海上依靠的支持和道德指南针.”

BC, with its phenomenally successful sailing program, 对于普罗旺查和黑格来说,这似乎是一个很自然的目的地。黑格指出,当她参观大学时,她试图“在那里看到自己,而不是航行。.两人都觉得校园氛围友好而诱人, and never regretted their decision to enroll.

Haeger is especially grateful to Wilkinson. “The investment he made, and continues to make, in Briana and me during our time at BC was incredible.  在我的职业生涯中,没有其他教练能像我这样投入这么多时间和精力. 我每天训练都很努力,主要是为了赢得金牌,但也有一部分是为了让他感到骄傲.  他有一种不可思议的感觉,无论在水上还是水上,他都能成为一名冠军. Even to this day, I have phrases that will pop up in my head, 格雷格的声音提醒着我过去的错误以及改正的方法.  

“Without him, 布里安娜和我永远不会一起航行我也不会成为强者, self-assured person I am today.” 

Read a full Q&A with BC's Olympians here.

In addition to the trio of competitors, 太阳城网赌平台击剑队的两名成员在里约担任训练伙伴. 12岁的彼得·苏德斯和即将到来的新生布兰登·安德森, a modern pentathlete, 都在奥运会上帮助其他奥运选手准备比赛吗.  

—Sean Smith | News & Public Affairs